How do u tell if a bunny is depressed.

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Mar 17, 2006
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i think my bunny is depressed how doiknow if he really is and how do i make him happy again if heis????????????????????/
Depressed rabbits usually sit haunched up in thecorner of their cage and aren't lively. They just seem out ofit. If you spend some time with her and let her run around this shouldperk her up. A little piece of apple wouldn't hurt either! :)
that u i also lost a bunny in september could that have anthing to do with it
Were they bonded? Sometimes really close rabbitsthat have been bonded go into depression after loosing a companion.Have you every thought about getting her another friend? This mighthelp her get over her loss?
Spring wrote:
Were they bonded? Sometimes really close rabbits that havebeen bonded go into depression after loosing a companion. Have youevery thought about getting her another friend? This might help her getover her loss?
well they were supposely sisters but then the other one hadbabies cause the depressed one was a boy and the babies diedand then when we got the girl fixed she died. i wanted to get himanother friend but my mom wont let me
he just lays in the conor of his cage all day and he only gets up the eat drink and go to the bathroom
I think he's grieving the loss of his mate...thelosses of your other bunnies is very sad. Too bad that yourmomwon't let you get a spayed female partner for him :(Maybeyou can help by petting him a lot, letting himout of his cage to run,maybe getting him some chew toys...the way he feels is like you wouldif you lost your very best friend :(
I'm my bunny's mate. She's out of hercage most of the time. We spend hours grooming eachother.:hearts:bunnyheart(I pet, she licks).

They're only really active for a couple of hours twiceaday. Can you spend that time with him? Let him outand give him a cardboard box to play with, that's always a populartoy. If theroom he's in isn'tbunny-proofed, you can buy some NIC cubes, they're pretty cheap, anduse it as fencing around his cage so he can get out more.

What kind of a bunny is he?

sas :)and pipp :bunnydance:
we got him at agway a farming store so we dont really no what kind of rabbit he is
:)It doesn't matter what breed ofrabbit he is,only that he is sad right need to payalot of attention to him if you can't get him a companion
i brought him in the house today and let him hoparound me when i did homework and then i feed him lettuce by hand andhe seemed a lot perker
yes he helped my by taking my pencil and hoping away with it and by chewing on my copybooks
;)Maybe you can try playing some games withhim..I like to play "hide 'n' seek" with my lop, or "tag"..either oneof us will instigate or some sort of variation on this. It'sactually a lot of fun. Buns just can't get enough of this. Ialso like to massage my buns ears, head, and jaw area..she reallytotally relaxes after that, and will keep nudging me, almost to thepoint of a small nipping on my fingers if I don't continue to dothis. If I walk away, she'll get up and follow me so she canhave some more. These are some ways to include her more, andget her involved with you. Hope that helps too!!:bunnydance:

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