How do u put a bunny in a trance

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if i put my bunnies on their backs and rub downthere noses they will totally space out lol there eyes willjust like almost stare off into space their noses donttwitch. its so cute. the little dutch we have inrescue you can actually hold him like a baby put him in a trance and hewill bob his head upside down and not even budge. then when you go tosit him up the right way its like he snaps awake. very cutelol
How do you put the bunny on his back? Marvin really dislikes me trying to change his up and down :)

Today I clipped his nails, with some help from my wife and I had tohold him on his back, having a hand on his back legs... he was notmoving, but I think he was terrified... :shock:
Its hard to do, my bunny flips over as soon as I put him on the back. He does not like it at all.

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