How do I stop him from chewing on his cage?

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Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Ste.Anne, Manitoba, Canada
My bunny, Ted, has this really bad habbit of chewing on the bars of his cage and pulling on them making a really loud noise. It's not the biting on it that concerns me really, because I know that biting and digging is something they looovee to do :) it's just that I love keeping my Teddybear in my room because that's the only safe place for him to come out and play. He does this a lot throughout the night and I don't know exactly how to make him stop it. I don't care if it takes a while to teach him not to because I want to keep him in my room :( Does anybody know how to stop this?:?
My rabbit Solara had the same problem.
What I did with her was make a schedule.
In the morning she gets a handful of pellets. Gets all day outside in the huge pen. Then, around 8-9 PM or even sometimes later, I get her veggies, and put them in her cage. I close it (cause it's open for her all day) and put a sheet over the front of it. Ever since then, she has stopped chewing on the cage.

:) This may or may not work with you.
If you have a different time for feeding, and don't wanna change it, try giving Ted a treat at bedtime, like a piece of fruit :)

I wish you luck!
Hmm..I let him out 2 hours before bed every night etc. but he still does it. :S I also put a towel/sheet over the front of his cage to sleep and feed hi m pellets at 7:00 each morning when I wake up.
Hmm... try the treat before you put him to bed. or like.. give him a new toy or something at night that will keep him occupied but doesn't make too much noise.. :)
I remember a while back reading about a member whose rabbit got its foot caught in a slinky and freaked out. I personally consider slinkies to be supervised time only toys. I know how much fun they can be, but I wouldn't leave a rabbit alone with one.

As for the noise issue, it could be that he just needs more time out during the day to get a little more exercise.
A good solid routine might help too. My rabbits each get a treat at bedtime and they certainly know it's coming and will make a fuss if they don't get it.

You might consider switching pellet time to bedtime too, to give him something more quiet to do as you go to bed.
Poor you ): I'd hate to not have my spacebar! That seems so annoying!

I'm glad the sheet worked :)

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