How do I pull my own tooth?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I have a wisdom tooth that is completely rottedout. It hurts unimagineably whenever food gets in it, it's almostparalyzing. In the last 2 months, I've spent nearly $200 on 3 dentists,and they all wanted to do a root canal on it, and I have no dentalinsurance. Then, one said he'd pull it, but he'd only do it if hepulled the other 3 outthatI have no problems with,and that would cost me a fortune too. The thing hurts like... well ithurts, and I just want this one tooth out of my mouth. I'd go to yetANOTHER dentist, but after 3 of them, I'm beginning to think it's awaste of time.

I keep thinking that maybe I can wiggle it a lot to loosen it up andthen pull it out. Or maybe try another method. Anyone ever done this,or knows someone who has? I know, it's crazy, but I'm seriouslybeginning to not have another choice, and this tooth is making it veryhard for me to even eat.

Any suggestions for the crazy loony?
Contact LSU and see if there is a student dental center located near you where the prices might be cheaper.

I really feel for you -- it's a darn shame that we cannot all getadequate health and dental care in the US due to lack of insurance orbeing under insured.

I hope you can get your tooth taken care of and are feeling better soon.

hehehe,yeah you really are crazy for eventhinking about it lol,ohh my i couldnt even think of doing that itgives me the creeps just thinking about it lol,but i actually can feelyour pain...i have my wisdom teeth growing through,i was about 18 yearsold when they started im 32 years old now and i still suffer with themfrom time to time,i havn't for a while now but i used to suffer reallybad,i just wont let the dentist take them out..ohhh im scared ofdentists even at my age lollollol:shock:

umm im sorry i cannot help or give you a way on how to rip that buggerout of your mouth *ouch*,but i absolutely feel your pain,i know justhow unbearable the pain can be,and it is painful until i did go to thedentist and they prescribed me penicillian capsules to take.


I'm feeling your pain here too. I have all fourof my wisdom teeth in, but they are impacted and in my sinus cavity.They are still below the gumline, but my mouth is too small to let themcome out. Every time it rains I get a half an hour warning with a severmigrane and sinus pressure. I've had to call off work several times,espcially with all the rain the eastern US has been getting recentally.I only have catastropic health insurance as I just gratuated fromcollege and am waiting for my husband to find a full time job, sohaving mine taken out will be very expensive. :(So I'mwaiting until some health insurance comes along. I would not reccomendpulling it yourself, I've heard its extreamly painful.

Oh and a root canal for wisdom teeth? lol Tell them to yank them andflush the area with sterile saline solution and give you someantibiotics. Your just going to have to have them all pulled eventuallyso just fork over the cash (I hate to say it but you don't want yourjaw to get an infection, thats even more expensive).
Maybe its not a good idea since you can createlots of damage. Try finding a dentist that works from home. Somedentists that come from other countries and don't have a licence yet,work from home and charge less money. Since you only need to pull atooth, it should not be a big problem.
OUCH!!! I had a root canal last year, and I have to say it was such a relief, but yes, it was expensive.

I wouldn't try pulling it yourself if it's a wisdom tooth - the rootsgo real deep and you could get an infection, which would be even morepainful! I think that teeth are the worst things - they hurt when theygrow in, they often hurt when they are there, and they hurt likeh**lon their way out! Good luck!

ps - I used to use whiskey as a mouth wash to kill the pain before myroot canal. Works wonders, but makes you smell like an alcoholic ;)

I don't know if you have a store called Sears.They have a dental office there. It cost my husband 400 dollars to have2 of them removed.

Ugh I know hwat it is like to ahve rotted out teeths. I had 2 molarsthat were shattered so bad that as times went by it started to rot outreally bad where it hurts on everything I put in my mouth. I got themboth remvoed for 200 bucks.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
We do have a Sears here, I didn't know they had a dentaloffice! I'll definitely look into them...
Call around and see ifthey got them. If so get prices for one to 4. If it is cheap to do 4 doem.
Maybe you could work out a paymentdeal? I've known people who have done that before when theydidn't have insurance. It's more likely to happen in smallertowns with family dentists/dental surgeons, but it's worth a try.

I had to have all four of mine out, and I would not recommend doing ityourself. The roots go deep and if it's in crooked you can dosome major damage. I had no choice- mine were horizontal andseverely impacted. They actually had to be broken intosmaller pieces to be taken out. Thankfully I was unconcious.

I'm surprised that they won't take out just the one, or maybe bothupper or both lower. It's not unusual to just take out two aslong as the other two aren't causing problems. If all fourneed to come out eventually because they're in wrong, you may as welldo them all at once. Trust me, you don't want to go throughthat twice!

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