how do i do this

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

i no it might seem a silly question but

how do i get tony to pick lucy up

its just he normally picks her up as if you were carrying a dog or cat but ive said it should be hand under the bum and buy the scruff of the neck am i right or wrong

in sdvance please as her bum area is full of tufts and she needs a good brushing

varna xxxx
I thought scruffing bunns was bad because you could injure them? (I know you have a hand under their bum....I just avoid the whole scruffing thing altogether! ;)) When we pick our kids up we put one hand under their tummy and as we scoop we tuck the other under their butt. Then turn them and cuddle them up to our chests!:D
I have also found it helps if you hold them tightly. Not enough to hurt them but enough for them to feel secure. With mine, If you loosen the grip they struggle but if you tighten it they stop struggling and relax a bit.:colors:
I grab one hund under the tummy and one around his bottom. Then I put him against my chest so he feels secure.

I wouldnt pick him up by the scruff.
One hand under the tummy and another under their bum is the proper way to do it. Once you're holding them, try to hold them against your chest so that they feel secure, with one hand still under their bum and another resting on their back, hard enough to stopthem from sturggling. They tend to relax if you've got your hand over their scruff, but that doesn't mean you should hold onto it...

Of course, never, ever, ever pick up a bunny by their ears.
Hi varna!

As others have already posted..."one hand under the tummy and one hand under the butt....scoop them up and hold them close".

One hand I place across their chest with the thumb under one front leg and the index finger under the other one. I place my other hand on their butt and scoop them up....turning them at the same time so I can hold them against my chest.

Most rabbits don't have the extra skin to allow scruffing without harming them.
Binkie (kinda fuzzy lop) has just enough that I can hold on to it and hold her down so I can pick her up....however, I would never pick her up just by the scruff.


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