How Cold Is Ok For Rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
We have been out of electricity now for 4 days . It is 50 degrees in our house and I put a blanket over the bunnies cage but it is still pretty cold. How cold can it get before I should worry about her? Thanks Mindy
She's got a fur coat. She's probably warmer than you. ;)

Putting a blanket over the cage is probably a good idea, since she's probably not used to it being that cold. But I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure she's got a hidey box to sleep in and she'll be fine. And if she already does, but isn't using it, then she's probably not cold at all. It's outside rabbits that don't have sufficient protection from the wind or rain that can get too cold.

Hope that helps!

Thanks Rue that does help. I try putting hay in her hidey basket but she keeps pullint it out!! So Im sure she is fine. Now if I could just get my electricity back on!! 4 days and counting!!

Mindy10 wrote:
Thanks Rue that does help. I try putting hay in her hidey basket but she keeps pullint it out!! So Im sure she is fine. Now if I could just get my electricity back on!! 4 days and counting!!
Wow, 4 days? That's terrible! Do you know what the hold-up is? And yes, as mentioned before, she's got a nice thick coat and is probably doing quite nicely (while you're probably freezing!)

Hope it turns on soon!
We had a snow storm with 3 inches of snow but the trees still had leaves on them so alot of down trees. There where over 800,000 people without electricity. They are now telling me maybe Thursday so that will be almost a week without heat, lights!! I dont know how they did it in the old days!!
I know how you feel! I'm in lower new york. I've also been out of electricity since Saturday afternoon, our power company here, nyseg, says the power won't come back on until Friday at 11pm! I am very worried about my rabbit buster. He seems OK, just confused as to why it's so cold and the TV and lights aren't on. (I also am) I gave him an extra blanket and some extra hay. He likes to run at night but its so dark he has just been sitting around. And when he does run around he runs into things. It is terrible! Here's hoping everyone's power comes on soon! :)
I'm in NJ, they said we wouldn't have it until Friday either and it came on last night!! Woohoo! So anyway, there might be luck!
YAY :biggrin2: Our electricity just came back on! I have never been so happy! Buster is also happy, he is doing binkies everywhere!! Now that the lights are on, I see how dirty buster left his room :biggrin: Time to clean... Hope everyone here has power!
YUP ours came on and I was never so happy in my life!! My bunny runs around at night to. So I was wondering what she was doing in the dark.
Wow, can't even imagine being without power that long. Hahah thank god I live somewhere where it never snows.

Glad you and the bunny are good :)

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