New Member
I have been lurking for awhile,justsitting back andwatching allwhat'sgoing on here. It's awonderull site, but i have aquestion.
How can someone who came inon Mon Apr 4th, 2005, supposedly, notknowinganything about Rabbits - lookingfor variousanswers to mostly basicquestions, suddenly go to having much more seriousquestions, thatmostnonbreederswouldn't think to askinsuch a short period oftime? Iguess my question is, Ifyoudidn't have prior knowledgeof breeding and werelooking to get such iinformation, howwould you know these questions to ask?
I amnot buying intothefactthatanyone can absorbthatmuch knowledge in the short span ofonemonth, this iswhatIamtalking about
"I have a question about breeding and genes, etc. However,I'm asking this ONLY because I'm curious - I don't plan to breed "
I understand there issome knowledge ofgenetics thru school and such. Sosomebasicunderstanding isprobable.But togo from this statement to this next statementin such a short span oftime is formeinconcievable.
LikeI havesaid I have beenherefor awhile. I justthisdaydecided to become a member soI couldget a better understanding of some questions Ihavebeen having.
Also it is my understanding that 2 ofthese Rabbits have Pasturella,and3 otherrabbits have been exposed?Granted the 2 sickly rabbits areonmedication, butdoesn't thisadd totherisk ofthe others contractingthis disease? andifsoWhy would you plan on bringing moreRabbits into the situation and risk more I'llRabbits? I feel these questions should havebeenaddressed before any thoughts of breedingwould have surfaced.
What is the conciquence of Pasturella,how contagious is it? how is ittransmitted , ie: air born, fluids, feces? Can itbe transmitted thru clothing, shoesetc? How detramental isitto the rest ofaherd? What aboutnewborn babies, can they contract it, Howwould it be handled ifthey were to contract it?
Sorry this post is so long butI felt I should point outthat.The truth wasn't told inthe begining, the Agenda wasfar more complicated than just a newowner to rabbits in an adultlife. I Feel this should havebeen adressed in the onset insteadof fibbing a way throughit and one monthlater laying it out as an after thought. This is just my opinion, Iam the sole owner of it,and before anyone brands me asa troll, i suggestrunning back through thepreviousposts and seeingthis for yourself.
How can someone who came inon Mon Apr 4th, 2005, supposedly, notknowinganything about Rabbits - lookingfor variousanswers to mostly basicquestions, suddenly go to having much more seriousquestions, thatmostnonbreederswouldn't think to askinsuch a short period oftime? Iguess my question is, Ifyoudidn't have prior knowledgeof breeding and werelooking to get such iinformation, howwould you know these questions to ask?
I amnot buying intothefactthatanyone can absorbthatmuch knowledge in the short span ofonemonth, this iswhatIamtalking about
"I have a question about breeding and genes, etc. However,I'm asking this ONLY because I'm curious - I don't plan to breed "
I understand there issome knowledge ofgenetics thru school and such. Sosomebasicunderstanding isprobable.But togo from this statement to this next statementin such a short span oftime is formeinconcievable.
LikeI havesaid I have beenherefor awhile. I justthisdaydecided to become a member soI couldget a better understanding of some questions Ihavebeen having.
Also it is my understanding that 2 ofthese Rabbits have Pasturella,and3 otherrabbits have been exposed?Granted the 2 sickly rabbits areonmedication, butdoesn't thisadd totherisk ofthe others contractingthis disease? andifsoWhy would you plan on bringing moreRabbits into the situation and risk more I'llRabbits? I feel these questions should havebeenaddressed before any thoughts of breedingwould have surfaced.
What is the conciquence of Pasturella,how contagious is it? how is ittransmitted , ie: air born, fluids, feces? Can itbe transmitted thru clothing, shoesetc? How detramental isitto the rest ofaherd? What aboutnewborn babies, can they contract it, Howwould it be handled ifthey were to contract it?
Sorry this post is so long butI felt I should point outthat.The truth wasn't told inthe begining, the Agenda wasfar more complicated than just a newowner to rabbits in an adultlife. I Feel this should havebeen adressed in the onset insteadof fibbing a way throughit and one monthlater laying it out as an after thought. This is just my opinion, Iam the sole owner of it,and before anyone brands me asa troll, i suggestrunning back through thepreviousposts and seeingthis for yourself.