How can I tell my bun likes me?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2010
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I have heard that if a bunny nuzzles you or gives you kisses this means they like you very much. I've been working religously on trying to bond with him, was wondering what I could look for to know it's working, if he likes me? Thanks!
If you sit on the ground with him, does he approach you? Does he ever relax and sit down near you? Does he let you pet him at all?

All of these things means he likes you. Just be patient - it can take a lot of time for the grand gestures like licking, or flopping nearby, or snuggle sessions. Right now you just want him to feel comfortable in your presence and trust you.
Yes he does! I sit in his playpen and he will come and lay down right next to me. He likes to climb on me too and the other day he was chewing on my shirt lol. And he'd let me pet him for hours if I wanted to, he seems to love being petted. I think he grinds his teeth when I pet his head and his eyes always get heavy hehe. Great! Sounds like he is starting to like me after all! woohoo
Bonding, and establishing trust between you and a bun can often take some time, and patience, which can feel a little unrewarding at times, but when it happens, it is so worth it.

Try, like Laura said, to get down to his level (even lying on the floor) as much as you can when you are establishing your relationship, because he is much less likely to feel threatened by you, and much more likely to approach you, be inquisitive etc. Bunnies are naturally curious by nature, so if you sit down, read a book, and sort of 'ignore' him (obviously you will be aware of him and supervising), he will be much more likely to come to you and demand a stroke.

Awww that sounds so lovely. Gentle grinding of the teeth is like a cat purring- real contentment.
After you have 'groomed' him for a while, try placing your hand underneath his mouth, for a groom in return (bunny kisses are so adorable- my buns love to lick me. I can't tell you how many times I've been sat barefoot at the computer chair- shocking seeing as I'm on RO 24/7 :p- and felt the bunny kisses on my feet lol). :D

It sounds like he loves you then! It took me months and months to get to that point when my guy was a baby. You guys have a great relationship already and I'm sure it will only get better as he gets older and gets to know you even better.
I've had my bun, Wrangler, for a little overtwo years now, and let me tell you, it took time and patience for him to learn to accept me. I got him when he was about one, and the first year of his life he was a 4-H (for kids) project that probably spent most of his time in a cage. But when I brought him home, he became a free-roam rabbit. For the most part, he just hid underneath my bed and he was somewhat aggressive with some nipping - he even broke the skin on my finger at one point. But like I said, I was patient with him and he learned to trust me, and now he can be such a sweetheart. He is a bossy little guy (as all rabbits are), but he's pretty independent and loves on me on his terms! He's never licked me, but he does nuzzle me, and sometimes he'll let me bend down and pet him or lay next to him on the floorand cuddle.I know he loves me, and I treasure every little sweet thing he does, because I know that's his way of showing his affection towards me :)
Thanks so much everyone! I guess what I was picking up on were good things after all! I'm still new to all of this, and I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. If what I'm doing is making him purr then I must be doing right. I guess I shall just keep it up and eventually I'll be his new best friend. Thanks for all the replies ! I feel so happy now knowing my little fuzz ball is happy and growing to like me! Huzzah :)P
bunnyluv96 wrote:
Thanks so much everyone! I guess what I was picking up on were good things after all! I'm still new to all of this, and I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. If what I'm doing is making him purr then I must be doing right. I guess I shall just keep it up and eventually I'll be his new best friend. Thanks for all the replies ! I feel so happy now knowing my little fuzz ball is happy and growing to like me! Huzzah :)P

Oooh yes ;) 'purring' is the most utter contentment. (FYI, very loud grinding is a sign of pain, but you can easily tell the difference).

Hehe yeah he certainly sounds like he is growing to trust you, and loves being around you. Which is so great if you haven't had him for long. You're soul mates :D


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