how can i tell if my rabbit likes his new cage?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Charlie's Avenue, , USA
We recently just built my rabbit a new cage, its4 ft long , 3 ft wide and 3 ft tall and his other cage is smaller inlength and width. Well...i brought him out to clip his nails and when iput him back in the room he ran right to his old cage and hopped rightin and laid down on the 2nd shelf. im just not sure if hes happy withhis new cage,they are both the same design but just different sizes andhe rarely goes on his shelves in his new cage but always lived on theshelves in his old one.:?
I wouldn't worry too much. Rabbitsdon't like change, but he'll adjust. He's just a creature ofhabit and is doing what makes him comfortable right now.


He'll get used to it. They really arecreatures of habit and don't like change. I hung a slinky in Apollo'scage for him to play with. It took him a week to even venture over tothe same side of the cage as the slinky. He finally played with it andwas fine. It just takes awhile.

Unless he is sitting therebanging his feed dish gainst the bars andscreaming "let me out , let me out Im praying " Iwouldnt worry much about it , He will getused to it eventually .

Being creatures of habit theydont care much for changes ,, but eventuallyhe will claim it as his .
gypsy wrote:
Unless he is sitting there banginghis feed dish gainst the bars andscreaming "let me out , let me out Im praying " Iwouldnt worry much about it , He will getused to it eventually .

Being creatures of habit theydont care much for changes ,, but eventuallyhe will claim it as his .

LOL! Except for banging the feed dish cause it weighs as muchas she does, Mocha does this every time I walk past her cage!Anyone who knows rabbits can tell she is screaming inside to get letout. She has a new shelf and everything but NO, she needs thewhole room! :D She might get it, too, if we weren't in anapartment.

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