How about swimming?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
I've seen wild cotton tails swim in a lake.
I also saw a pic of some ones pet rabbit swimming in a pool whith them.

Since it's summer time, do you think Bun-Bun and Cocoa would like a dip?
I can easily snatch a small wading pool.
Would it be safe? I mean, they can swim out, but any thing else dangourus? Like health wise?
They do need some activities.
A lot of rabbits get terrified when they are in water. Even bathing themcan be an ordeal for many rabbits, and I know of one member here who's rabbit panicked and brokea leg during a bath.

I would not suggest that you pick up a rabbit and put him in a pool, even if it only has a few inches of water. If you want to see if they would like it, get a wading pool, put something non-slip on the bottom, and put maybe 2-3 inches of water in it. Then let the rabbit choose if he wants to go in it on his own.

A much better use of the wading pool would be to fill it with sand and use it as a dig box. Another good activity for them is a box with two rabbit-sized holes cut in it and stuffed with newspaper and hay. Or just rearrange all their current box toys and watch them go nuts practicing a new route through them all.
I have seen and heard of swimming rabbits (I once saw surfing bunnies on animal planet:shock:), but water can be very stressful for them. If you really want to see if Bun-Bun and Cocoa want to swim, I would go with naturstee's wading pool idea. But they would probably have more fun running around and digging.
I have never heard of rabbits swimming before that would be a sight to see. When we first had to give our bun a butt bath I was so afraid he would freak out, but he did really good and was real calm. We've had to do it a few times now and I thinkheenjoys themI call it his spa treatment lol
Carolyn wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
That said, although most rabbits don't like water, some do.

There are always exceptions to the rule, as you can see.


the pics hav disappered!!

a few summers ago me and my friend tried putting our rabbits in a paddling pool. we only put a small amount of water in it but they still had a swim. we kept their harnesses on and lads so we could scoop them out if they paniced. we had to dry them off with a towel after which made us nearly as wet as them!! :bunnydance:lol

not sure if they realy liked it that much but it was worth a try once!

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