Housing pregnant house rabbit

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Feb 4, 2014
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We bought a female lionhead to start breeding with our male lionhead that we have had for a year. We bought her back in October and because she was so friendly and the kids loved her so much she just ended up being in the house all the time. she has an indoor cage (3' long x 2' foot wide)but we only put her in there at night to eat and sleep, the rest of the day most days she was around the house unless there was an odd day when we were all out at the same time and nobody could keep an eye on her so she stayed in her cage. On 11th of January she mated with our male lionhead and due to give birth any day.

Last week I built a wooden sleeping area/nest box extension and secured to the side of her cage (I am a half decent carpenter in my spare time) which she likes and has already started making a nest in there although no fur in there yet. This gives her more room and a quieter and private place to kindle. She definitely knows what it's for, started making a nest and doesn't soil in there at all.

The reason I am posting is that for a couple of days now we have kept her in the cage because we were worried she would nest and give birth somewhere random, like behind the sofa. She doesn't seem happy about this and this morning she has been "digging" and chewing at the bars of her cage and generally seems agitated. Are we doing the right things?
I would be inclined to let her out for an hour or so under direct supervision, but otherwise keep her confined. :)
Her behaviors may be more related to hormones/nesting than wanting to leave the cage. If she is due as early as the next day or two, I would personally leave her in her cage or confine her to a play pen, rather than the whole house.
Thanks so much for your replies. Since writing my post earlier she has chilled out a lot and spent most of the time resting and laying on her side. I have sat next to her while working on my laptop and she is happy enough so I think I'll leave her where she is. I think tomorrow is day 30 so she is due imminently. Thanks again for replying.
Yea, sometimes our pregnant does do this close to kindling. They stop when I give them more hay for nesting material. I think they want out to go scrounging for stuff for their nest. :)
That makes sense. I added more hay and she immediately took half of it to continue making her nest. No fur in there yet and today is day 30, I hope everything is OK and she gives birth soon. Since yesterday morning when I first posted she has got much calmer and spent most of the time laying on her side. Still eating but not as much as normal today.
Sounds like it should be anytime now. Good luck! Post pictures of course. Check on the babies after she gives birth to make sure all are alive and do a good head count. I do a head count everyday to make sure everyone is healthy moving and present. We have had babies separate from the litter and escape cages so doing this daily can save a babies life.
Babies born this morning :) Checked the nest earlier and saw she had finally pulled fur for the nest and it was moving. I want to wait until the kids are out of the way before I root around and check them properly and count them etc. As she's a first time mum I didn't want to spook her too much. She seemed pretty cool though and munched her food and just keeping one eye on me as I took a peek. However I didn't want to stress her out and thought it better to wait until it's just me here. I did also quickly check around the rest of the box and cage and there didn't seem to be any kits scattered or out of the nest, so I'm fairly sure however many there are, they are all in the nest. Very excited. I'll try and take some pics too and post later. Thanks again for the reassurance. Yesterday evening she was in a really bad mood, sprinting up and down the cage and throwing her food bowl around in a temper so I'm guessing it was all a build up of hormones before the birth. Very happy now :)
Had another look at the kits and there are 2 as far as I can see but I was really reluctant to root around too much, both looked good. They seemed big compared to her size, I was really surprised.

I didn't take a photo because I didn't want the flash bothering them. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel more comfortable spending more time looking and checking them. Should I let the mom out in the house again now? Obviously I can leave the cage open for her to access or stay in if she wants to.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but given that they've only just been born, their eyes aren't open so if you wanted to take a photo, flash shouldn't be an issue.

So good to know that the birth went well and you have two healthy kits. Good to know mum is in good spirits too :)
The flash won't bother them. You do need to do a thorough check for others. Live ones need to be kept together and any DOAs need to be removed.
Definitely just 2 and looking well fed. If there were any DOA the mum has done a good job cleaning up because it's a clean nest with these 2 very nicely tucked up in a neat round ball of her fur and hay. Had another good dig around in the rest of the box and nothing in the hay there. All very clean she isn't soiling in the box and nothing else left from the birth. I let her out today so I could clean her cage and she went into her normal routine running up and down behind the sofa and under the coffee table. I didn't leave her out too long but tomorrow I might let her out and leave the cage open so she can come back to the kits if she wants to.
Today when I went to feed her I had to reach right in to get her bowl which she had moved next to the entrance to the box. She didn't like it and gave me a little nip. It wasn't a bite, it didn't even leave a scratch but she was definitely telling me to back off. She has always been so sweet. When are we going to get her back to the way she was? When the kits are weaned?
Just depends...some of ours stay sweet and don't mind us reaching in. A couple get protective while the kits are in the nestbox but are better once they're a few weeks old and running around.
photo I took just now. Father is a frosted pearl (white and lilac) lionhead and it looks like they have got his color. Mother is the one in my profile pic, she has some lilac too.

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Can't believe the change and growth in just a couple of days. I was mistaken about color, 1 is same color as mom and the other same color as dad


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photo 2 (1) small.jpg

photo 3small.jpg
Looks like a harli and maybe a magpie. So cute and fat! With such a small litter, expect those babies to grow VERY fast.

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