Housing intact buns. Please help

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hankinson, North Dakota, USA
Just got a HUGE cage and I'm getting
A doe tomorrow. I have a buck now.

? Is can I put in same cage with a divider
So they can't get to each other but can see
And smell each other?

Do I have to do this gradually?
Both are INTACTED. Yes, I know

just asking about homing together
With divider andif I have to do it gradually.

I would not have them with just a simple divider as buns tend to be little Houdini's and can get through anything that isn't fool proof. I would say separate enclosures is the best way to go.

Rabbits should have a month quarantine anyways, to ensure no disease or parasites are being brought in by the new bun to your existing buns.
A divider will not be enough. Rabbits can bit/scratch each other through wire and yes, even get pregnant! If you are determined to go this method, make it a double divider with at least an inch or two of space between the two layers of barrier. Make sure it's really sturdy and can't be dug under or chewed away etc, as I imagine bucks can be pretty determined.
A divider will not be enough. Rabbits can bit/scratch each other through wire and yes, even get pregnant! If you are determined to go this method, make it a double divider with at least an inch or two of space between the two layers of barrier. Make sure it's really sturdy and can't be dug under or chewed away etc, as I imagine bucks can be pretty determined.

I have really small wire ( cage was made for kits)
So the wire is SUPER small. I can't even stick
My pinky in there. Double divider is a good
Idea though.
I have really small wire ( cage was made for kits)
So the wire is SUPER small. I can't even stick
My pinky in there. Double divider is a good
Idea though.

I've heard of pretty crazy stuff, even with tiny wire. Breeding through the wire isn't uncommon so I would not trust just that.
Is there a way you could leave a little space between the diviners? So they are not right next to each other. Say a couple of inches.
If you are interested in having a bonded pair, have you considered first neutering your buck? Then once he's healed finding a spayed doe to bunny date to see if they might get along.
With intact bunnies, once they are fixed, there is always the possibility that they won't bond. (Or are you already aware that that is a possibility.) But by bunny dating fixed bunnies, the chances greatly improve.
I have my rabbits in a cage with a divider and I've had no accident breeders. I say go for it double up the wire and just keep checking up on them. Also make sure that you male can't push the wire so he can get through it needs to be like a wall in order to prevent anything.
Done! It's going well. Just that the buck keeps
Spraying my doe and her white fur is getting
Stained yellow from him. I use
Unsented wipes on her to keep
The smell down but her fur is stained.
Thinking of attaching plexiglass to avoid
Spraying my doe.
My rabbits spray as well. I get Clean N' Groom from Bunnyrabbit.com and that help a lot. I use wipes to get any thicker spots of pee off, and I use corn starch to make the fur look more white:)
My rabbits spray as well. I get Clean N' Groom from Bunnyrabbit.com and that help a lot. I use wipes to get any thicker spots of pee off, and I use corn starch to make the fur look more white:)

K, I have tried the wipes and doesn't
Seem to do anything. She's really stained.
I'm going to try and order A comb to brush
Her out with and see. How do I use the corn
Starch when it's not recommended to get
Rabbits real wet?
She shouldn't be really wet, if anything she may be slightly damp. When I rub the corn starch in their fur they are usually very dry. :)

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