Housing for the Rabbitry

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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middle penninsula, Virginia, USA
Hey guys, I live in Virginia where the weather is well virginia weather. With hummidity it can get to a heat index of 100+ in the hottest part of the summer, and although we tend to stay close to freezing, we can get down to the low teens or high singles during a cold snap. I am trying to figure out the best type of building to make for mybabies.

We live in the country where you see some deer, turkeys, racoon, snakes, ect...... Which made me think I should go with a wooden shed style building, butseveral of the rabbitries I've visited stick with a pole barn style, with a tarp for the 4th side for rainy/colder weather. I've seen about a 50/50 split between pole barns and shed like buildings.

Which is better do you think? :?
I think I would opt for the more secure building.

I suppose it will also depend on how much money you have to spend too.

Keep us posted :)
I'm in Virginia too, my buns are in an enclosed 10' x 10' shed with ventilation openings all the way around the top and the door is a full screen door, so they get plenty of air. It's insulated everywhere except the door with the styrofoam sheets you get at the home improvement store, two layers thick, the ceiling is also insulated. In the winter I put plastic windows over the openings and door, and have a heater out there to keep their water from freezing -- it isn't perfectly air tight so there is some air flow, but the heater can keep it just above freezing anyway. I have twelve 24" x 24" cages (four stacks of three) and room for 3 more, there's also a table and space for the box of hay, and shelves above the cages for spare resting boards, nest boxes, show carriers etc. I put a fan over the door in summer which keeps the air moving nicely, and the shed is under a maple tree that provides shade for most of the day so although it gets pretty warm out there, I've never lost a rabbit to heat and actually they usually don't even look particularly uncomfortable. Oh, and the door has a sheet of expanded metal (like grillwork) on the inside to keep the local stray cats from pushing through the screen and getting in -- it also has a padlock to keep the local stray children out! I used the sun-block screening to enclose all the air spaces and on the door, so that helps keep the inside of the shed cooler too.

Winter pics: (front picture only shows about half way down)


Today pics:


I built it myself with help from a friend, it took us two days and the materials were about $850 (might be more now, this was five or six years ago).
Not the most beautiful shed in the world, but it works! :D

That is awesome!!! Thanks for the suggestion. Right now they are in the house (all 17 of them!!!!) And we are looking to move them outdoor by the end of summer so I am just trying to get all my "bunnies" in a row.

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