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Mar 28, 2005
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I have read that rabbits can be littertrained. Does this include poops also or justurine. When they say litter trained is it 100% like a cat orare there many accidents.
you know what!! I am glad you asked this question.
I noticed that my bunnie is urine trained not poop trained LOL why is this ...hmmmm I wonder
Mine are kinda litter trained. They use theirlitter pans in their cages, (unless they've dumped them) but when theyrun around they seem to like to poop in dark places where they havesome privacy - under the bed, under the couch, in the bathroom.

I was wondering if I got them one of those cat boxes with the dome overit if they would be more inclined to use it, since it would give themthe same darkness and privacy. Anyone else tried this?
Many rabbits can be 100% litter trained. Spaying and neutering greatly increases the chances of this.

It is not uncommon, though, for them to leave little poops occasionallyoutside of their box. They usually do it as a way of marking theirterritory. When they become more comfortable with their surroundingsthey will do it less.

My rabbit rarely poos outside of his cage, and he has never peed on thecarpet. Some people find that it is helpful to put an extra litterboxin a frequently visited corner when they have free run of an area.