Horrible day yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...

I had such a horrible day yesterday. I was sitting here at home, at about 4:30pm, preparing our home to have about seven people over at about 7pm (we play Dungeons and Dragons on occassion with our friends), and was wondering where my husband was, since he was about an hour and a half later than we had agreed (so he could help me clean). At about 5pm, I received a call, and the caller ID said "Prison". Turns out my husband had been arrested!!

A little background: our tags have been expired for a bit (because it is about $300 to register the car, and we have just not had the ability to pay for it). My automatic thought was that the tags were expired, but why would they arrest him for that? They would at worse impound the car!

So, he then reminded me of the fact that about two years ago, he'd gotten a speeding ticket during our drive to San Diego to see his family, and at the time he neglected (forgot) to go into court and handle it. From that, they suspended his license...but he then handled that, and we thought everything was okay. Turns out it wasn't, and there was a warrant out for his arrest!! I honestly don't understand the situation, as he had handled it so far as getting a temporary license, and we had been waiting for his new one in the mail! I saw the paperwork myself, and trust my husband, but he didn't follow up, and something must have happened to cancel things out...I don't know what on earth is happening!

So, back to the situation at hand, his bail was $2500, which we also didn't have (he had the 10% on him to pay a bail bondsman, but then we would owe the bondsman for the rest). Since he'd been told that spending the night there might be viewed as "time served" and cancel out any financial charges from all this, we decided that financially this was the best idea. So, my husband, with his otherwise completely clean record, and very good and moral life, with the exception of our recent financial troubles, had to spend the night in jail.

Now, bear in mind, both of us come from a good family. I don't think a single person in our family's ever been arrested, or spent any time in jail. Our families are very moral, good people, so it's not like we come from a criminal family, and do unethical things, or anything like that. We don't even drink!!

In addition to all that, our car, a 1996 Saturn 2 door, has been impounded, and unless he can square away things with his license, and we can pay to get the registration handled, it will be on an automatic 30 day hold, which means we would have to pay MUCH more than the car is worth to get it back. If that is the case, we will be forced to just get a new (different, used) vehicle...and I really don't know when that can happen.

Ultimately, I know this was all our responsibility and is something we brought on ourselves, but that doesn't make it feel any better. I know we should have paid the registration, and when that time came around again, we waited for the paperwork from the DMV (as we'd given them our new address), but it never came, and it just slipped our minds in the start. I know that's no excuse, and I know this is a learning experience...it's just really difficult. We've been trying...it's not like it wasn't on our minds...and he knew he was taking a risk taking the car anywhere, but it's hard because there are things that need to be done.

It feels really aweful going through this...and I feel bad that I'm so embarassed to even write about it, but at the same time I know you guys love me, and are there for me...and that's really what I need right now...to know those two things. I felt like I abandoned my husband last night in having to have him spend the night there, though at the same time, I know it's him taking responsibility for his actions (or actually his in-actions).

I feel so lost and upset and stupid and irresponsible...the list goes on. My best friend and his wife came over last night to keep me company, because I was really not doing well, and that helped. They've always been there for both of us. I felt really bad for watching a movie, playing a small little game, just the three of us (they were trying to keep me from crying by keeping my mind off things), having dinner...all without my husband, and with him having to be where he was. I felt so horrible that he had to stay there, and that I couldn't just go right over and bring him home. I slept so little last night, and woke early this morning, so I would be awake for when he came out of court this morning. Maybe the way I feel is hightened by my tiredness, I don't know.

Ultimately, we paid the biggest price for a stupid couple of mistakes that were basically not making sure things were handled...and it's really horrible.

So, as a lesson to everyone out there...be sure you follow up and fully handle things. You don't want this to happen to you and yours. Learn from my experience.

Hugs and love to you all,


P.S. Just to add this...my husband is an incredibly decent and moral individual. He spends his days and nights trying to provide everyone around him with the best lives possible. He works very hard for the money he brings home. The only reason we're having financial problems is because he ok'd a job for a friend that's WAY underpaying, and that is probably the one thing I would complain about with him, is letting himself be out of exchange with customers just to be a nice guy about it and be able to help them with what they need done. It's not the first time this has happened. I love him so much...
Thank you so much...I hope so, too. Things haven't worked out quite as well as we'd hoped, but it's solvable with some help from his dad.

Update: He went to court this morning, and the judge decided that he had two options; either pay $545 or stay ten more days. We can't afford for him to be out-of-work for ten days, so we're procuring the money to get him out today.

We've got the money we needed from his father (who is wiring it right now from Canada), so we've handled that aspect, but now I find out I have to get there by 1:30pm to get him out today (and it's about 11:30 right now). So, we're now in a rush right when I hear back from his dad for the confirmation number! :?

I'll keep the situation updated, though, if we have to rush out, and we get him home, I might not be online for a few days. So, if I don't write again, don't worry, guys...it means that things are handled!
Aww Rosie, sorry to hear about your troubles. :(

Ellie is right, sometimes bad things happen to really good people. I hope everything works out for you and your husband. Sounds like such a nightmare...Hopefully he can come home to you and then you can both get everything straightened out. Like you said to me, its always worse when your man isnt there! Im sure once he's back home everything will seem a little better.

Good Luck and you're both in my prayers.

Everyone always goes through these type of troubles in there life where it seems like if only you had the money everything would have been ok. Take peace and comfort in the fact that your husband is safe (though in jail) and that you have a great family that is supporting you in this ordeal.

A big hug to you for dealing with all of this so welll!:hug:
I am SO sorry that happened to you guys, but at least it was only one night in jail and not 7 or 10.

TONS AND TONS AND TONS of love from me, Harper and Haley!!


Thank you so much, you guys. I really needed that.

Good news...his dad helped us out with over half the money needed for him to be able to come home, so now he's home!! There are more things to handle now, but at least I'm not alone in handling them, and we can do it together! It was so hard with him there because we couldn't talk at all, and I felt so alone. My best friend who came over was so mad about it (at my husband), so I couldn't talk to him, and his wife didn't have anything nice to say, so I couldn't talk to her either. It was nice to have people here, though, so I didn't just sit here and cry about it all night (which is exactly what I would have done...it was so horrible and so hard to go through).

My poor husband...a few minutes ago, all the tears came spewing forth from me, and I just let it all out with him (which he actually prefers, rather than non-communication), and he calmed me down. He's actually much more calm than I am (that's just how he is), and it helped talking with him about it because he calms me more than anyone else can.

He had all sorts of stories about the other guys that had been in there with him (people MUCH worse off, let me tell you!), like the 19 year old that has been in jail so many times, he knew exactly how the system worked and was relieved that he was only busted for a stolen credit card (though he says he borrowed it from a friend), and that the cops didn't find the drugs that were hidden in his vehicle....or the 45yr old guy that was on his way to visit his mistress, and had to ask his brother to come get his car because his wife would find evidence of his indiscretion otherwise. Eek!! And there was my husband, with his first (and what better be his last) offense...poor guy! He thought it was funny. My husband is just like that. He's so calm and handles things so well, and though I'm sure he'll have some bad feelings to air about it later, they won't be NEARLY as huge as mine would!

And get this...he was literally TWO BLOCKS from home (on his way home) when he got pulled over!!

Turns out with his license suspension that the check we used to pay the fine to get things squared away a year ago bounced and we didn't realize (and we recently handled the finances being gotten-away-from-us, no less), so it went down automatically as a "failure to appear" and a bench warrant.

So, yes, we have a lot to handle yet (renewing the registration and paying the fines for his license so it gets renewed and okay again), but at least the major roadblock and problem is handled and he can be home. He really revelled in being able to shower and close the bathroom door behind him to use the restroom earlier...poor guy!

Anyway, I have my husband back in my arms, so I'm happier...and have much more oomph to handle everything else. Thank goodness his dad was able to help, or my lovely man would have had to spend an additional ten nights in jail!! That was a really wonderful thing, that he helped...I'll never forget it.

Thank you so much for your love, guys...it was so badly needed...I felt so alone, and at a time like that, nothing's worse!

Hugs and love back to you, guys!!
I couldtell by your posts that you're an honest, decent person, now I think you're even more honest and decent. I'm sure your hubby is too.

Sorry for the hardships! These things happen -- life's ups and downs. (I've had a car impounded for something I thought was taken care of, too!) Hope it all works out pretty easily.

sas:)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

Aww...thank you so much...it's nice to know that I'm not thought of as a dishonest, bad person because this happened. My husband isn't, either...he's the most wonderful person I know!

Also nice to know I'm not the only person that's had something like this happen to.

Thanks for your love!! :D

The same love and hugs above apply to you. :D

Pipp wrote:
I couldtell by your posts that you're an honest, decent person, now I think you're even more honest and decent. I'm sure your hubby is too.

Sorry for the hardships! These things happen -- life's ups and downs. (I've had a car impounded for something I thought was taken care of, too!) Hope it all works out pretty easily.

sas:)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Before we met, my husband got arrested for an unpaid ticket while he was on a date!

He's a good guy. It happens.
eek..how did i miss this! im sorry that happened to you maherwoman! lots of love from me, peapoo& petey!!!:hug::hug1:bunnyheart :bunnyheartwere always here for you! even if im a little late;)
Aww...thank you to the three of you (you, Peapoo, and Petey)!! How sweet. I don't mind a bit, and you weren't late at all!! We're just working out various things, trying to get our car back, and working out things in general. We've been feeling incredibly lovey-dovey toward each other because we both felt like we'd lost each other forever...though I know it would have only been ten days, he would have been in COUNTY jail during that time, meaning he would have been in quite a bit of danger...mixing of the felons with the misdemeanors (which was my husband). I think he would have come back to me quite spoiled...it was so scary...I'm just glad he's home!! I can't imagine how our lives would have changed had he had to spend those ten days. I'm just glad it's all over now...*sigh of relief*!!!!

peapoo_bunny wrote:
eek..how did i miss this! im sorry that happened to you maherwoman! lots of love from me, peapoo& petey!!!:hug::hug1:bunnyheart :bunnyheartwere always here for you! even if im a little late;)

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