homemade toys??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2005
Reaction score
by the sea, California, USA
I was wondering I have a 4 to 5 week old bunnieand she is such a joy!!! I was wondering if toilet paper rolls weregood for her to chew on or what other toys can I give her to play with ?
I fill some tp tubes with hay. Apollo loves to throw it around and try to get all the hay out. Just a thought.

There is a post called Toys. I can bump it up for you. It has so many great ideas for toys.


Plastic is fun only if your bun enjoys pushing itaround and does not eat any of it....otherwise, I wouldn't suggestit....most rabbit toys are made out of wood--safe materials for rabbitsto chew on. They need to chew because their teeth areconstantly growing, so it helps keep them filed down....

I used to have a cardboard box for my bun to hide in, but he startedeating too much of it and I didn't want him to block his system...so Ibuilt one out of wood! Also cotton/synthetic materials cancause blockage if swallowed, so only give stuffed animals/blankets ifyour rabbit doesn't chew on them!

Good luck!

For the size of Ramona, a tube 4 or 5 inches indiameter or a long narrow box would be great for her to crawl throughand to chew on. This is Pebbles free run... the tube is 12feet long and she can go forward and backwards in it.:p The other tubes are for her to jump over....logcabin....box to hide...telphone book... and litter box in the corner.

Rainbows! :)