Homemade Toys?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2009
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Northeast, Ohio, USA
What are your favorite homemade toys for your buns? I have a few boxes I have set aside to make into hides. Im wondering what everyone else has experimented with in the ways of homemade toys? And did your Rabbits enjoy them?

Scone's favorite toys are the simplest - an old cardboard box or toilet paper roll - no need to do anything to them. If the roll is stuffed with hay, that's pure heaven. He can eat the hay, and then chew the roll to get at more hay.

A fresh apple twig straight from the tree is also in the top ten bunny toys, and if it still has leaves on it - or, even better, flowers - that's even better. (Twigs from most other trees are fine, but dry them first. Don't use cherry twigs, they're poisonous)

In the winter, a roasting pan full of snow can provide lots of digging fun.

If you've got a paper shredder, fill a box with the shredded paper strips.
MikeScone wrote:
A fresh apple twig straight from the tree is also in the top ten bunny toys, and if it still has leaves on it - or, even better, flowers - that's even better.
roxy and hartleybun's all time top favourite toy! closely followed by the stuffed cardboard. havent tried them with paper from the shredded - yet! they do spend time pushing the dogs' footballs around but i think that's just housekeeping.:)
We took cardboard boxes and cut doors and windows in them and taped some together... they have had a lot of fun with these... Butter likes big balls, she'll roll it around... and a small fleece blanket; they both love to nudge and poke at it and move it around... but by far the most fun for them is the box tunnels...
Thats awesome about the apple twigs. My sister has three apple trees (untreated) so I had my nephews gather me up a good bunch of twigs.
My favorite homemade toys for my bunnies is plain old toilet paper rolls. Amelia and Tobi will set upon them the instant I put them into their cages. I usually don't stuff them with hay, but will do that occasionally.

I also have a box (got a shipment of toys in it from Busy Bunny, LOL!) that I closed the flaps on and turned upside down, and cut a door in two sides. I put a folded up newspaper in there, and Nick just loves to go in and shred the paper.

I have also given them a phonebook, with the heavycovers torn off. I found a box that the phonebooks fit down in perfectly, with about an inch of clearance at the top. These are......occasional favorites. Nick and Amelia will go to town shredding the phonebook for a few days in a row, then ignore it for several weeks before discovering it again.
My Tony will eat the strips of shredded paper that come out of a shredder, as if they're hay, so be careful with that.

I made "bunny trees" that are somewhat popular. My guys aren't the biggest toy fans, but they kind of like these. They're a 1.5' long 2"x2" that's mounted vertically on a base that's 1'x'1'x1". I then drilled holes all over the 2"x2" and strung raffia through them. I took some wooden hearts from the craft store and painted them with diluted food coloring mixed with fruit flavorings from the grocery store, drilled holes in these, and strung them on to the raffia. It's a bit of work, but it's fun. The hearts kind of dangle and they bat at them and try to chew on them, sometimes.

My guys favorite toys though are the clothes sticking out of the side of the laundry basket (chomp) and trying to get behind the gates we have barricading parts of the room off.

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