Homemade Rabbit Toys?

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May 24, 2005
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Walterboro, South Carolina, USA
Hey everyone! I was reading my rabbit book last night and I decided to rabbit-proof my room.

I got up at 5:30 A.M. this morning and couldn't go back tosleep, so I started my rabbit-proofing. I put anything and everythingtempting up high, and the legs on my desk and chair and dresser- I putcardboard papertowel roll thingy on all of them. He hasn't touchedanything I don't approve of.

I am not letting him out of his cage when I'm not there yet, though. I need some tips on litter training first.

I am also looking for some sort of 'recipes' for toys to entertain himwhen he's out of his cage. I though of boxes, but apparently (from whatI read) they don't like the smell of cardboard (which is probably whythe rolls are working! lol).

Thanks everyone,

not sure where you heard that about cardboard,but mine LOVE cardboard boxes lol. they rip the poor things to shredsand throw them around..

plastic baby key rings (the hard plastic ones) are good.. buns like toflip those around.. i have a few hard plastic rattly cat toys that minelike as well..
Try paper bags, toilet paper rolls, boxes withshredded newspaper, plastic slinkys, the plastic baby keys areGREAT! Phone books, empty water bottles filled with somethingnoisy (they LOVE to make noise), things they can jump over and runcircles around (clay pots, boxes, bricks...) I think I couldgo on and on ;)

What is your bunny's name?

Hugs! Shorty, Star & Krick
My rabbit loves cardboard. She's really little,so we made a maze for her out of the long refridgerator boxes for sodacans. We put hay and chew toys in there. She spends a lot of time init.


And here she is chewing on it this morning!
He He:)! I'll have to bunny-proof my room the next time I can't sleep. I better get ready soon cuz they are comin' in ~2 weeks.
naturestee wrote:
My rabbit loves cardboard. She's really little, so we made amaze for her out of the long refridgerator boxes for soda cans. We puthay and chew toys in there. She spends a lot of time in it.


And here she is chewing on it this morning!
Hey Nature...I must ask,that large fan on the left...do you use that as a barracade?I think you just gave me a great idea ;)I've been trying tokeep the buns away from my brother's room (they like to poo there) andI think I can put a fan just like that to block their way!You are brilliant!! Thanks! Hugs! :p
The fan kept her out of the corner behind thedoor when we still had the door to her room open. Now I'm using the fanto block her from getting behind the fish tank that just got put inthere. She hates knowing she's not supposed to be somewhere. I've seenher rebound off of walls and doorframes to jump high enough to get overa barrier. She's my little Jackie Chan.

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