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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
The faucet in our bathtub has been leaking andwe're having it fixed next weekend. The problem is that tofix it, the guy has to go in through the wall in the critterroom. I'm concerned about the dust that may beproduced. I'm not sure if he will have to cut into the wallor not, but if he does I'm sure it'll make a huge mess.

I know that if there is a lot of dust, I'll need to move the critters,but I'm wondering if anyone knows if there may be anything harmful inthe walls that I will need to disinfect the cages before I put themback?


It depends onthe age of the house , Isit the old horsehair insulation? , wall board slatboards . Isthere any asbestose?

micro fine particals from wall boardis going to actually get intoplaces you wouldnt expect including inthe bed and under matresses . Theold horse hair and slatboard walls most likely wontbother unless there is moldbuilt up in the stuff,But from removing it maycause itchy , wattery eyes , basic alergyrelated stuff .

If it is warm enough in yourarea ,personally Iwould take the rabbits outside fora day of fun in thesun , that way any dust willhave a chance to settle andnoone will have to go thru an atttack ofthe allergies.
The construction noise may be more of an issuethan the dust. If there is any chance of them cutting throughthe wall, have a roll aclear plastic sheeting ready to hangto prevent dust from filtering through the house. Old sheetsor blankets can also be used. You could also just put sheetsover the cages.

I'd definitely remove the little one from thehouse if you can, Jen. If not, Pam and Gypsy have given yougreat advice. Do you have any air filters around? Avaporizer might, too. Can you open up the room with a fangoing so that the air cycles?

You might consider making sure you have some NutriCal on hand for thelittle ones to boost their immune system during the stress of theconstruction.


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