Home remedies for mites?

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Dec 16, 2013
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I am 100% sure that one of my bunnies has mites, Thankfully my two bunnies are in two different cages not beside each other, I know kitten revolution ( I think I spelled that right) works well to get rid of them, but now our vets here are starting to get people to bring in their pets to get checked out first before letting you get the revolution its a new rule I guess for the vets. I know here its like 20-30 dollars here.

The problem is there is only one exotic vet here, and the person there that sees exotics is really rough, and there have been some people I know who has lost their pets afer he has seen them and persribed medication.

I wont have the money to get the revoluition in the first place for like another week, the bunnies originaly my parents got for me and my brother but now that we are older they have basically stoped caring about them.

When I told her that my bunnie had mites and I told her all the symptoms are there except for scratching and that kitten revoluition will clear it up, she told me she wasn't worried about and not buying the revolution because Oreo doesn't seem bothered by it. Obviously she is bothered by it, and I am pretty sure if it was one of her cats they would be at the vets right now with it.

So now the bunnie that was not my choice to get as a pet an not my responsiability, I was never told I had to care for it, I just ended up being the only person caring for most of the animals here. I have to use my own money out of my own pocket that was going towards my rats and hamsters ( the only pets I bough by myself, with my own money, so they are my responsibability.) Because I can't stand knowing just because Oreo isn't scratching doesn't mean she isnt uncomfortable and problems it is causing for her, she has a thick coat so the fur loss from the mites i thick fur which is tangling and her fur is so thick that its even hard to brush in the first place.

She is a dutch bunnie.
Revolution(selamectin) is really going to be your best option for mites. The other med that can be used, that is usually cheaper, may cause problems for your dutch rabbit, as they can sometimes be sensitive to it and it can be toxic to them.

How are you sure that it's mites? Is there flaking skin or redness and irritation? Or is it just fur loss that you are seeing?
Revolution(selamectin) is really going to be your best option for mites. The other med that can be used, that is usually cheaper, may cause problems for your dutch rabbit, as they can sometimes be sensitive to it and it can be toxic to them.

How are you sure that it's mites? Is there flaking skin or redness and irritation? Or is it just fur loss that you are seeing?

her back and ears are covered in little white specks and I bathed her last week to see if it was just dandruff and it is still there, she also has black specks that you would see on cats from flea eggs what I understand is that is the eggs from the mites, she isn't scratching, but all the other symptoms are there.

The only other thing is dandruff and I could see it being possible because our hoouse is damp and dry most of the time the temperature changes a lot but I bathed her and she is losing a lot of fur even after bathing her and brushing her, she has always had a thick coat so she doesn't have any balding.
It does sound like there is something going on. Revolution is still your safest treatment. If you have to wait a week to get it, that should be fine. Just keep an eye on her to make sure the symptoms don't worsen.

If you are concerned about the vet, are you sure there isn't a different rabbit vet around that you could go to? If you are worried about the right medication being given, just make sure it's revolution that the vet is giving and not something else.
20-30 bucks is expensive for revolution. I think a single is around 16-18 bucks here. The kitten ones come in a three month supply and I would advise buying a 3 pack instead of just one. Sometimes one treatment will work if you catch it soon but if you wait you might have to do more than one treatment.

i agree with jbuns suggestions about the vet. You should only have to pay for the exam, revolution, and maybe some sort of diagnostic where they take a hair sample and look for mites under a microscope. That's how I diagnosed my bunnies. Man mites look gross lol
thanks and the problem is with this in law they are doing I might have to take her into the vet in order to get it, and the next closest vet is like 2 hours from me, and I don't drive so I would have to also pay for gas money, the check up possibly and the revolution. If I can not get the revolution from the vet a friend that I know we work with the SPCA said she will sell me the revolution she has at home and then give the money to the SPCA.

What are all the steps I should take with getting rid of the mites, and how much should I put on her? is it the same as a kitten go by their weight?
Oh also would the revolution be flea and tick? or is their a kind you can get for mites?
Revolution takes care of fleas, ticks, and mites. It's a topical application applied near the back of the neck. Just follow the directions on the box. Dosage for rabbits is 18mg/kg. So you need to weigh your bun and calculate the dosage needed, then determine which tube/box contains the closest amount of the active ingredient, that you need for your bun.

im getting the revolution tonight. Im still not 100% sure on the dosage.
Jenny had provided you the dosage all ready.
Typically 2-3 doses are required.
You need the weight of your bun. With the weight, multiply it with the 18mg/kg(8.2mg/lb) and that will give you the total mg of the selamectin that you will need. Then look on the box that you have and see if it is the dog or cat Revolution. The dog one has 120mg/ml(except for the 5 lb dog one), the cat one has 60mg/ml. The box will also say how many mg each tube contains. If the tubes that you have are almost the same amount that you need, then you can apply one tube, or more if it will equal the total amount needed. If the tube contains more than you need, then you will need a 1cc syringe to draw out the correct amount. If it is the cat tube, then there will be 60mg per cc/ml or 6mg for every 0.1cc mark. The dog one is double that, 120mg per cc/ml and 12mg for every 0.1cc mark. So you will need to calculate the correct dosage needed and which cc mark will give you that correct amount. Then follow the instructions on the box on where to apply it.

If you still have questions or any of that doesn't make sense, just let me know. But also keep in mind that I have no medical training when it comes to rabbits or calculating doses, and that this is just info that I found doing an internet search.
Hi can i ask something ? How does revolution looks like & how many packs do i need for 2 bunnies ?
Hi can i ask something ? How does revolution looks like & how many packs do i need for 2 bunnies ?

Revolution is a parasite treatment that requires a vet prescription in many countries. If you have a rabbit with a health issue, I would suggest creating your own thread in health and wellness, and explain the problem, so that you can get some info from other RO members.
good news mites are gone!! Thank goodness for revolution.
That's great to hear! Glad it all worked out :)

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