Holland Lops

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2008
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St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
I have had Merlin about 2 weeks now. I finally got a little more information about where he came from (he was a "gift" from my boyfriend... bless his heart he thought it might help me to have another bunny after losing Oliver). He bought him from a local pet store. I inquired about where they get their rabbits from, and they only deal with one breeder...who only breeds Fuzzy and Holland lops.

I am not experienced in breeds very well. Merlin looks exactly like aHolland lop bunny....except he does not have the characteristic lop ears. Is it possible for him to be a lop with upright ears? His ears are wide, and sometimes when he hears a funny noise, one ear will sort of "droop" downward. I will try to get pictures up today at some point... camera needs batteries.

He has a rounded face, is black on white, has black ears and a butterfly shaped "mask" on his nose. He's smallish in proportions, and more compact looking than my last rabbit who wasa dutch. I'm guessing hes about 10/11 weeks old.:huh

Thanks for any feedback!!!

Yes, he is probably a Holland Lop. With the round small features it sure sounds like it. As for the ears it is pretty comman. Ear control in Holland Lops normally just means a rabbit has lopped ears but they can hold them up, he sounds like he basicly has no real control, they are just up for the most part. What happens is genetics sometimes likes to play games and even thought 2 parents may be purebred Holland Lops or American Fuzzy Lops they have tight crowns from side to side caughing control, improper ear lopping(lay be lopped but not all the way down and against the head), or in your boy's case no lopping whatsoever.

Can't wait for pictures :biggrin2:



Here he is.... MERLIN:inlove:

Edited tomove the photo's for easier viewing. What an adorable sweetie!
I have had it take 4 months for ears to drop and then they have perfect side to side width in their crown. He may just come from a slow develeping line or he is an odd ball. I would say he is probably Holland Lop just no lopped ears yet. Or maybe he is mix, unless you breed the line for some years yourself you can say 100% if they are purebred or not, in my opinion.

He is very cute! I love broken blacks.
Merlin is a real cutie and looks like his ears will drop eventually, but i dont' think you can really tell. my muffin is a holland mix and she has control of both of her ears. she can put them straight up (not quite as high as an up-ear bunny, but in a wide V-shape) if she's listening for something, all the way down (when relaxed), to the front (when exploring), and each can move independently! it's so adorable and i love how i can tell her mood from her ears. maybe one day i'll get pictures of all the ear positions. if i were you, i'd be hoping for a half-lop because i just think it's so darn cute.;)

ETA: and i LOVE "moo-cow bunnies" (what I call broken blacks)
Merlin is adorable. We've had 4 Holland Lops and every one has had a great personality. They are pretty easy-going, especially the males. Our Stewart had one ear that stuck out to the side for most of his first 6 months of life. Hehe...it was too cute.
Hehe:biggrin:I bet that was cute to see! I've seen some pictures online where their ears stick straight out in front of them.... like bull horns... too precious!!:brownbunny Hollands

really do seem to have a great personality... what delightful little buns!!!
Merlin is so stinking cute! And I agree, he has a very Holland Lop-ish face. TOO adorable! My little Tallulah who is also a Holland can move her ears up and down, for the first couple weeks we had her she actually had her ears up most of the time like Oliver. Now she has them down most of the time, but can move them up. My Rory is (we think?) a mini lop mix, his ears can go up or down or airplane or whatever he wants, I never know what they're going to look like. I think the mixed up ears are just so cute. Here are three pictures of Tallulah taken in a period of about a minute, just to show how she independently moves her eares depending on how she's feeling:




Oh my goodness! Tallulah is beautiful! What a cutie pie...her ears make her even better!

Merlin's ears aren't nearly that mobile...he can move them to 2 or 3 positions... straight up, out front, and more to the side, like a "V" shape...

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