Holland Lop

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Dec 9, 2012
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I showed my sister Holland Lop at our county fair last year. the judge told me she needs to be more square. What does that mean? Can I do something to fix it on her or do I have to breed her to make her babies more square? Also we accident put her in a senior class when she should have been in a junior class, but she still was in the top 5.
Can you post some pictures of her and maybe some of our more showing expert members can help you out with what she needs. Few different views would be helpful
Hope that these pictures will work we were having problems!! And excuse the hands



Please tell me if I need better pictures
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I think they're talking about how Hollands should be blocky or whatever the word is. It is not something that you can make happen, but if you bred her with a really good male, you could get some good babies.
She has very poor type. She is long in body/bone, chopped off in the hindquarter, peaks too early and lacks depth over the hindquarters. She has a low head mount, slipped in crown, lack good curvature to the head. Nothing can fix her. Hollands are bred to pose upright on their front feet. With no redeeming qualities, I'm not sure that I'd want to use her as a brood doe.
I agree with Pamnock. I am not good at judging rabbits. The first thing that I noticed is that she is chopped. (looks like they chopped part of the back end off. It is normally supposed to be slopping, not just like this l )
I agree with Pamnock. I am not good at judging rabbits. The first thing that I noticed is that she is chopped. (looks like they chopped part of the back end off. It is normally supposed to be slopping, not just like this l )

We would refer to correct hindquarters and well rounded, full and deep. Sloping hindquarters are an undesirable trait that are a result of the topline peaking too early. Good eye on noting the chopped off hindquarters.
Since choppiness is the first thing I focused on in my tans I also noticed it very quickly. I almost had to question is this a mini or a holland because of the posing. I agree with everything Pam said. The only thing I can think of is when I showed goats and lambs they said square in the hips and legs. Maybe the judge was pointing out she was pinched? If that is the case then no breeding wont fix it. That is a structural problem and I dont think you can fix it. Also it can be dangerous to breed pinched animals because of the smaller birth canal.

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