Holland Lop

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
I've had two other type buns, not sure of first and second was Mini Rex, who hardly molted.:?

My Holland Lop is molting at his butt right now, and boy the hair is so blonde and thinish, this is the undercoat, correct? Why are Hollands so much molting with this much undercoat?:shock:

How do you breeders explain this? Seems strange to me.:) The amount of fur that comes from it is just astonishing to me:shock:.:)
The undercoat is densly packed and has great insulating value to keep bunny warm ;)

Rollback coat breeds have a very thick undercoat, but how much and when a rabbit molts depends on the individual.

Sorry for the very late response, but thank you Pam!:) Yeah, very dense undercoat, and very much intensely packed, wow!

To keep a bunny warm, that makes sense! Given they live outside.

Thank you!:D

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