Holland Lop Breed Questions; Do you own one?

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Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Atlanta, , USA
Hello Everyone! I do not currently own a bunny. I am searching for one, and I will be visiting a couple this weekend and maybe one of them will be "the one"! In the mean time though, I have some questions, specifically about Holland Lops since this is the breed I am most interested in. How big do they get? I know it says between 3-4 lbs, but I really don't know what size this is since I haven't seen one in person. Does anyone have any pictures of Holland Lops that they own so I can gage how big they are? Also, what are their personalities like? I read the lops have the better personalities, but since a Holland Lop is a dwarf, I was wondering how this affects them. If you have any information about Hollands or pictures, please post it here! Thanks!
Hi sorry no one has caught this I know quite a few people on the forum have hollands hopefully if I bump this up someone will notice and give you some info :)
Hi i breed holland lops and they are GREAT!! Which every rabbit has its own personality. I have one holland who will lick all over my hand when i put it in the cage. But like i said every rabbit has a diff. personality so not every rabbit is going to be that way. Some rabbits will be cage aggressive and will not like you putting your hand in their cage, but when out they are fine. Female rabbits can be very moody and aggressive when they are ready to mate but if you get them fixed that will help that out a lot! So if you do not want to pay the extra money to get a female fixed i would suggest that you get a male rabbit unless you get a rabbit that is already fixed. Holland lops are very small and will weigh between 2-4 pounds but that does not effect all the love they can give!!! I hope this helps some and if you have any more questions just ask!
I have a Holland named Haley. She has the sweetest personality and is between three and four pounds.




I raise Hollands, and have had them for about 5 years.

Overall, Hollands are a very friendly and loving breed. With that said, most Hollands tend to be explorers. They're not a breed that generally wants to just melt into your lap and sit for hours on end while you pet them. They do like attention but when put down, they LOVE to explore their surroundings. Mine will often hop back to me for pets and loving but they get so excited about running around!

I definitely suggest a buck over a doe. In general, does tend to have "cat" personalities, as I like to say. They like attention but it's more on their own time. Bucks, on the other hand, tend to have "dog" personalities. Overall, they tend to be super outgoing and friendly and always ready to play.

The Holland breed weight is 2-4 lbs for show. However, some Hollands do not inherit the dwarfing gene and end up a lb. or two over their show weight. So if you're looking for a Holland in a specific weight range, I'd suggest talking to the breeder about that and they'll be able to help you find a Holland to fit what you're looking for.
OakRidgeRabbits wrote:
Overall, Hollands are a very friendly and loving breed. With that said, most Hollands tend to be explorers. They're not a breed that generally wants to just melt into your lap and sit for hours on end while you pet them. They do like attention but when put down, they LOVE to explore their surroundings. Mine will often hop back to me for pets and loving but they get so excited about running around!

Haley is just like that although I'm not so sure she wouldn't let me hold her for long periods of time (I just haven't ever tried, too hard with multiplepets) ;) She does so remind me of a dog. I have often thought for being a doe she has a super personality. If I didn't know she was a girl I would swear she was a boy. Does that make sense? :p
I've just stopped raising Holland Lops, and my boys are the greatest. Gabriel, my tort buck I can pick up with one hand and get him to roll over on his back on my arm and he just lays there as long as I hold him. he gives the judges kisses on the table, he's not outwardly buckish, an deven at the rip age of 4 years old, he still loves binky-ing around the x-pen.


Speedle, I've had him since he was 2 weeks old(Mommy and nest moved to my barn for weather protection, it had snapped badly on us) and he loves to cuddle up and climbs out of his cage on me every morning for his run time, gentle little boy.


The others I won't post pictures of here, but Blaze has been my baby, he was my first rabbit and is beyond spoiled and a bit over 5 years old and happy as a clam. None of them have ever sprayed, even when their cages got put side by side.

As for girls, Calleigh (LRU's Autumn) was a doll, very out going , very friendly, not a mean bone in her body. Country's Night Skye is a complete and utter Pain in the arse. She bites, lunges at me when I try to feed her and on numerous occasions taken chunks out of my fingers, wrist or arms. She's great once I get my hands on her and flip her over onto her back.

Calleigh, Speedle, Gabriel and Skye are between 3 and 4 pounds, Blaze was one of those that didn't get that dwarfing gene and he's closer to 5 pounds.

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