Hobbes was bad...meanie!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ok, tonight got a little hairy in our household. We brought Bunny downstairs to have another "introducing session" with our two cats, and she, being her incredibly friendly self, went right up to our male cat, Hobbes. Well, being a cat, he took offense to this, as it is in the Kitty Code of Conduct that when you're the new animal in the household, you sit and wait for the ones that "own" the place already to come up to YOU and introduce themselves. Bunny just thought she was being friendly. So, Hobbes scared the crap out of all of us by smacking Bunny in the side (who was alright...don't worry). (Now, mind you, it was nothing of the sort of predatory-type smack...just him being terribly offended.)

Needless to say, this was quite a shock, as Hobbes is normally quite friendly to newcomers in our household...but I guess he was so offended he couldn't help himself. Perhaps he didn't feel he had given permission for this action. I really, truly didn't see anything would happen, as she's gone up to him before and they've actually sniffed noses without incident before. I was shocked this took place!

Obviously things will have to change a little. So, the new rules in our household will be as follows:

- Bunny will not be joining the kitties again until she is quite a bit larger (at LEAST a foot long, or some such)

- The kitties will be fitted with Soft Paws before their next meeting

After this occurred, I took Bunny into my arms (which she loves) and checked her over thoroughly. She had absolutely nothing wrong with her, and in fact came right back out of her cage very shortly after the incident to hop around more. She's so fearless, this one!! We did bring her back upstairs and away from the cats shortly thereafter, but put Hobbes in the solitary confinement of the bathroom so Bunny could relax and know that things were okay first.

The funny thing was that even after this, she wasn't scared...she was ready to meet our other kitty, Sunny, who was much more obliging, but preferred to keep her distance.

*sigh of relief*
Hi sorry to hear your troubles. I would think and this is only my opinion, but as long as teeth and claws aren't used and you are right there...I wouldn't lock Hobbes away, this could make things worse instead of better.Cats use their pawsto play, as well as hunt ifhewas meaning to hurt the rabbit trust me the rabbit would have been hurt!If the cat starts acting mean toward the rabbit tell the cat no and shoo him from the room, but give him the option to come back and be nice. Even bunnies have to learn their place!! So Hobbes was just telling him his place!! But if Bunny wasn't really afraid I would make to big of a deal about it. I know my cat will swat atRexmybunny andRex will run away and stop half way across the room and look back at the cat like well aren't you going to chase me! So sometimes a swat is all in fun!

Good luck intergrating your family.

Yeah, we gave Hobbes the opportunity to come back and make friends, or patiently wait in the wings, but he still had a very offended look on his face, and looked quite angry when he came back down the stairs from sulking for a minute, so we thought it best for him to have a bit of a time out. At that point, I didn't trust him not to do anything more. I think, more than anything, we were probably just freaked out. I mean, when I took Bunny into my arms, I started crying a bit...which I'm sure really bothered Hobbes, since whenever I've cried (whether over something serious, or just a sad movie), he always comes over and FORCES me to pet him. I'm sure it really bothered him to know he made me cry.

You're right, though. It was probably just him trying to remind Bunny of her place in the household, and trying to show her the Kitty Code. We were just so worried that he would hurt her, we thought it best to just put him in the bathroom for a bit. He didn't even cry (and Hobbes usually cries the second that door closes, though it doesn't happen that often, don't get me wrong)... I think he knew what was going on.

My husband did at first want to let him have a second chance, but I freaked out a little and asked him to just put him in the bathroom to be safe. Lol...mama freaked out...oh no! Lol...

I'm sure things will be fine. Bunny's just so dang social, they don't know what to make of it.

Do you think I should wait until she's bigger to bring her back out again? Or do you think they'll settle their differences, and things will improve before then?
I think by all means if you are right there bring her out. They will work it out...but if you seperate them there is the chance that later on Bunny won't except the cats. Believe it or not..bunnies can have an attitude!! lol I would do small introductions several times a day...they will grow to play, my cats chase my rabbits and then the rabbits chase the cats it is so funny, and nobody ever really gets hurt. Just make sure your cat has some place to go if he wants to get away from Bunny.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for your encouragement. I really don't think Hobbes was meaning to hurt her, I think he was just a bit shocked at Bunny's boldness. I'll keep bringing them together and getting them used to each other. They should be able to get a grip soon. :)

Oh, P.S...the cats will jump into their much-loved window if nothing else, which is quite high off the ground. :)
Hi. I have two bunnies and I adopted a cat a few months back but relations were pretty strained between the cat and bunnies. The cat was adopted and we think he had been a champion hunter in his last home as his main concern was pouncing on anything and everything. The bunnies were absolutely petrified of the poor guy and eventyally we ended up getting rid of the cat because he jumped out on the bunnies and scared one of them witless who promptly threw himslef down the stairs and broke his leg. It was the best choice for us as the bunnies would never have trusted the cat after this they were scared witless.

Sorry for this tale of woe I'm sure it doesn't help your situation, but I guess my moral of the story is don't take things too far too soon like I did - maybe allowing sniffing through a wire gate or fence might be sensible for a few weeks before you re-introduce them. I'm sure good relations can happen and you'll get there!
it is the opposite in our house................. our cat is petrified of our buns (all 22 of them) they are outside bunnies but they come in quite often. it all started when some of our buns were having a run in the garden and the cat wanted see who was in HER garden well the rabbits didnt take too kindly to the cat sniffing around so one by one they gave the cat a rabbit punch and the cat ran off untill they were safely back in their hutches that was a couple of years ago and even up until last night she is still scared of buns as we havesix6 week old buns and we brought them in to sex them as soon as the cat seen the tiny little fluff balls she was out in the garden and over the fence!
Lol Bunnytopia - it does make me laugh that a cat can be scared of a 2lb (or thereabouts) bunny!! Everyone told us that would be the situation too - especially with the bunnies being established in the house and it being their territory but we think we just chose a cat who had been a champion mouser in his old home and old hunting habits die hard I guess. Shame as he was a lovely cat but just not bunny compatible!
im just glad it was the smaller breed of bun we have got that punched her as we also have fully grown french lops if they would of punched the cat i think the cat would have gotten a couple of broken bones!!!!!!
i know and im glad the cat is ok and now stays well away from the bunnies unless its time for her to go out andshe spends the night sleeping under the hutches which is as close as i think she will get to them!
It'd quite amusing that she sleeps under the hutches when the bunnies rae safely locked away from her. Kinda like a little bit of definace from the cat 'Ha ha I can sleep here because you can't get me!!!'

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