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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Worcester, Ma USA
Should I get a waterbottle for rabbits or a water dish? I heard both but pros and cons for each. I heard water dishes work well for some bunnies some flip it over. Some of the waterbottle can get chewed and leak. What should I do. Do they sell glass ones? Also what is best to keep the buns teeth down?
I've heard a bowl is better and I prefer them because I had trouble with bottles leaking and my rabbits not being able to get water out of them. A heavy crock or bowl that attaches to the side of the cage will prevent tipping over.

Hay is supposed to be the thing that helps rabbits keep their teeth down. I also give mine apple twigs and willow branches right off trees in my neighborhood. You can buy chew toys made for rabbits or birds for them, but mine prefer the fresh ones.
Bowls are a more natural way for a rabbit to drink. I discovered this (or actually I had a rabbit that taught me) when one rabbit of mine acted angry whenever he tried to drink from a bottle. He just seemed frustrated with it. I put a bowl under the bottle and saw that he lapped it up readily. I then switched completely to bowls and found that all my rabbits would drink more from a bowl than from a bottle.

I use this type of bowl that twists onto a clamp -- can't be spilled or tipped, yet still removes easily for refilling.

And Bville is correct that hay is what keeps a rabbit's teeth worn down properly. :D

I was planning on going to get a large dog crate as the rabbits cage. how would I leave it with the water bowl in it? If it is not able to attach to the side. Could you give me an example?
Bowls are a more natural way for a rabbit to drink. I discovered this (or actually I had a rabbit that taught me) when one rabbit of mine acted angry whenever he tried to drink from a bottle. He just seemed frustrated with it. I put a bowl under the bottle and saw that he lapped it up readily. I then switched completely to bowls and found that all my rabbits would drink more from a bowl than from a bottle.

I use this type of bowl that twists onto a clamp -- can't be spilled or tipped, yet still removes easily for refilling.

And Bville is correct that hay is what keeps a rabbit's teeth worn down properly. :D

Would that attach to the edge of a dog crate and if so where would I purchase one?
The bowls are available at petsmart and petco. They have different sizes in different sections of the store. I found my 20 oz bowl in the bird section. So check different sections if you don't see the size or color you like.

I've used mine on an exercise pen as well. It should not be a problem on a dog crate either then. Once you get the clamp part securely attached, then the bowl simply twists out of the clamp. (I explain this because I know of someone who thought they had to un-do the clamp for every change. they didn't realize the bowl twists in place.)
You can buy those bowls at Walmart too in the small pet supply section. is good for rabbit stuff -- I don't know if I'd call them cheap though. has some pet supplies and may have that bowl. But I wouldn't trust them for rabbit advice or recommendations.
I've used this sort of combined water bottle and bowl (or self-filling water bowl, if you'd rather) for both Scone and Natasha. It has the advantage of a bottle, in that it won't run out in the course of a day or two, and it allows a more natural drinking posture than the bottles with spouts.


Natasha had a habit of knocking the bottle off her balcony in her excitement, so I run a bungee cord around the bottle to hold it firmly against the cage bars.
I would refer a bowl , because the ball in the water bottle could get stuck. The water bottle could also take time and to much effort for waterbottle

~Pumpkin and Kylie :)
I prefer the bottle, I check it every day for leaks and if the ball is stuck but it has never happened and I have never had one leak in 5 years of using them ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1403425130.352219.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1403425167.130751.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1403425233.762071.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1403425268.914128.jpgas you can see it completely comes apart for easy cleaning and it has a valve that stops leaks but is still easy enough for baby rats to get the water out and better still Shida can't put her butt in it!

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