HIV/AIDS Questions and Prayer Request

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
There's a young guy that works where I used towork. I'm in there a good bit buying stuff, and still friends with twogirls who work there, so him and I hit off a friendship. He's a greatperson, really sweet, and very goofy. He's also only 20 and just gotout of the army.

He's also got HIV (and didn't contract it from intercourse). He justfound out about a month ago and was pulled from the army because of it.I've never had a friend with HIV, so I'm so extremely paranoid abouteverything. I quickly researched it and found out I couldn't get itfrom urine, sweat, or tears. Thank goodness. I hate being so paranoidaround him, he's such a nice person and is going through so much rightnow and doesn't have much friends.

Does anyone have any experience having a friend with HIV or AIDS? Howparanoid is too paranoid? I'm so concerned about everything he doesaround me. Yesterday we were playing with a kitten. The kitten lightlyscratched him, then scratched me right after. That concerned the heckout of me, thoughthere was no blood in either case.

He's got no car, is having a really tough time at the horrible job heworks (I would know, I worked there for 2 miserable years), hardly anyfriends, and a hard time getting to and from work with no vehicle orride. And I've been willing to help him out lately and stuff. He's beenso depressed too, poor guy. He feels really terrible because everythingis so wrong in his life. We hugged today and I promised him everythingwould get better because now he had me in his life and he wasn't aloneanymore. I keep hoping with someone positive in his life, things willget better.

I'd appreciate any prayers you guys could say for him. I know he'd appreciate it too.

Also, anyone with any experience with having friends that are HIV orAIDS positive, please lend any advice/experience, ect. that you have.
While I haven't had a personal friend, we talkabout it all the time at school and such. One thing to alwayskeep in mind is when dealing with anyone, always assume they haveHIV.
For example, I knew this kid whose dad was a dentist and came in totalk to us. He talked about how some of the dental hygenistswere afread to work on a certain patient that had told them that theyhad HIV. Then he mentioned there was no reason to be afraidif they took the precautions they should ALWAYS be taking.
There are so many people out there who have HIV and don't knowit. That's the scary part. The thought that theycould be spreading it as well because they aren't taking theprecautions they should be taking.
You owe it to yourself to be a bit of a germaphobe with everyone. Never touch anyone's blood.

I will keep him in my prayers.
Hi MBH, I was actually nursing when HIV/Aidsstarted in the 80's, that was so horrible for these people. But becauseso little was know about the disease you would have to put specialgowns, gloves, masks on just to enter the room.

I have a couple of friends and acquaintances that are HIVpositive.To be honest I really just am careful tomake sure if I have a cut or open wound somewhere not to touch theirblood if they happen to get a cut too. I give them a kiss (onthe cheek) hello and good bye when I see them.

I would think/hope that your friend has received info about the diseaseand that he would be just as concerned for you as you are withhim. Is he on any of the medication? They say thatthe medication they have out now is so much better than in the past.

I sure hope he's ok, and it's nice to hear that you are still hisfriend and have not deserted him like so many people do when they hearsome when they know has HIV/Aids.


Hey guys, thanks for the advice. I reallyaprpeciate it. I have been, and will continue, to take precautions whenaround him. But I'll work on trying to cut down on being so overlyparanoid. While he doesn't go around going "Hey I have HIV", he doestake precautions. He makes up excuses to people to why they can't drinkbehind him ("I have a cold, I'm sick, ect.), he scrubs his hands fortwo full minutes when washing them, and so on and so forth.

I'm not sure about medications, to be honest, I actually don't think heis on any yet. He doesn't have any health insurance, but I heard himsay the other day about the local free clinics.
Your friend has just as much reason to beparinoid as you do. With a diminishing immune system, he can getdeathly ill from a cold. Make sure that if you are sick, you give himthe same considerations that he gives you. I don't have any friendswith HIV, but I would just put myself in their shoes. How would I feelif I had this disease, and everyone I told might be scared that I amgoing to get them sick and kill them. It has to be a lonely time forhim.

Good Luck, to you and your friend

Before I got married and moved to Wi I lived indowntown Chicago in a really cool neighborhood that had a lot of gaypeople. I really love gay men as friends although I don't have anynow I did back then.

I had acquaintances that were HIV positive but not ill and to beperfectly honest I became very very paranoid but never let it show. Forex. An HIV man used my bathroom and after he left I scrubbed the toiletwith bleach.
Now.. that is not necessary but I overdid it but could not seem to helpmyself. Once I kissed a man that I was on a first datewith and then remembered that he told me that he used to livein San Francisco. When I got home I brushed my teeth raw and actuallywashed my lips.

This stuff is stupid behaviour and I am glad that most people are moremature on this subject than me. I always felt how bad I would feel ifothers felt that way about me. :(

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