Hind legs (weakness)

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New Member
Aug 17, 2015
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My rabbit is dragging her left back leg since Wednesday last week took her to the vets, they said she was fine it was just a sprain.... I took her back on the Saturday they gave her Loxicom pain relief. Shes only been taking it for three days but I dont see no improvement really and shes started dragging her other leg now... shes does support herself but not for long. Can anyone help.
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It's not just a sprain. A sprain will not cause a rabbit to suddenly start dragging one back leg, and then the other. You need to take your rabbit to a rabbit savvy vet. There are several things that it could be, and your best chance of possibly reversing the hind limb weakness/paralysis, is to see a good rabbit specialist that will diagnose and administer the appropriate treatment. If you are in the UK and want to post your general location, I may be able to point you in the direction of a specialist. Otherwise you can check this list for rabbit savvy vets in other countries.

Hind limb weakness/paralysis can be caused by several things: spinal trauma, e. cuniculi parasite, arthritis, spinal degeneration, stroke, cancer, toxins, and infection. In a young rabbit, spinal trauma and e. cuniculi are the most common causes. In older rabbits arthritis, disk degeneration, stroke, and e. cuniculi would be most common. With e. cuniculi being the most common cause, most vets will treat for this if they cannot positively identify another illness as being the cause through blood tests and xrays, in which case panacur(30 days worth) and meloxicam(loxicom) will be prescribed, and sometimes an antibiotic cover like baytril.