High Calorie diet for dog?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
My dog's were at the vets today. And Our Doberman needs to be on a High Calorie diet.
What beside dog food can I make her with High Calories??

Thanks, Misty
Does she need to gain weight?
First, follow this reference to pick out a good food. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+1770&aid=668

A higher calorie food will more than likely have more protein but you want to make sure the protein source is meat and not things like sweet potatoes/other veggies. A lot of pet food companies cheat by making the protein come from plant sources but dogs are carnivores and NEED meat-based protein. Most grocery stores sell terribly quality food that will not help your dog to maintain a healthy weight.

Most dogs and cats are not on proper diets. I just wrote a rant of a note on facebook about this exact thing.

Also be mindful of how much you feed. You will have to look that up online. It will be based on current weight and proper weight for the breed/gender. Maybe up the amount until you reach the weight you want.

Some foods that are labeled "active breed" have higher calories. Sometimes you can find the calorie amount on the back in small print. You can compare with what you currently feed to find one that is higher.
Yes, She is 30 pounds less then what she's supposed to be.. The vet's wants to do whole bunch of test to see what is going on but she wanted us too feed her a high calorie diet to see if she will gained more weight in a few weeks if not she haves to go back in.
So I wanted to know to feed her eggs or some kind of meat that can help too. I had my other stud pug on a bland diet once.
I don't like Hills products, but when animals need a highly digestible high calorie food, Hills AD is often does do the trick; ask your vet about it. But do NOT keep the dog on it once he is up to weight; it is good for putting weight on but is not a high quality food.

I'd seek out a good quality maintenence diet such as Evo, Innova, Wellness, Canidae Grain Free, etc. You can also supplement/enrich your dog's diet with organ & muscle meat for some added calories, fat, and protein. Just remember that any dietary changes should be gradual and carefully monitored to prevent digestive upset.

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