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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2004
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Loxahatchee, Florida, USA
Hi Im new and I have a8month old bunny (Im not sure) and hisname is nepo he isreallyaffectionate and he is my first pet.AnywayI have some questions: About a week ago I gave him newkind of food that is a gourmet diet. It contains pellets,corn, bird seeds, pupmkin seeds, dehydrated bananas and othersstuff.Nepo eats everything but leaves the pellets so I thinkthat he doesn't like them anymore. So if I givehimhis normal foodhe might not eat them.And I think this foodf is causing soft stools, what could I do to makehim like his normal pellets?

Im not sureif nepo is a male because he hasnipples,are males supposed to have nipples oris hea female?


Hi and welcome.

Thegourmet stuff doesn'tsound likethebest thing for him to be eating, it doesn't have the proper nutritionthat rabbit's need. It's best to stick to the plainlycoloredpellets.

I've read that male rabbit's don't have nipples. I know that my boydoesn't have obvous ones, and my girl does, so there is a chance thatyou might have a girl.
Welcome AboardNepo!

Male and female rabbitsdo have nipples.

As pointed out by u8myhouse, thegourmet food you're givingthe little guy isn't the best. I'd give it onlytohim as treats. It's high in sugars and calcium and very richin many other ingredients. I'm sure you pinpointed thatthat's why he's having soft stools. Also too many vegetablescanhave the same effect on some rabbit's systems.

My suggestion would be togive himunlimited timothyhayand some oats if you have them handy. Oldfashioned Quaker oats will do as well just to dry him up abit.

A good quality rabbit pellet food should have at least 12% or more ofcrudeprotein and 18% or more of crude fiber. Somebrands suggested would be Purina, Heinold, Oxbow, Nutreena, Blue Seal,to name a few. You can go by the ingredients of the proteinand fiber content. Best to get such feed from a feed store asit moves off of the shelves quicker and you're guaranteed it to befresh. Keep the feed in sealed containers so that other furryfriends can't get to it and also it preserves the freshness.It's been recommended to freeze the feed, which I do with some of it,but for lack of freezer space, I have to break it up and justtupperware container some of it.

Glad to have you with us. Can't wait to hear more stories of your little one.


Boys DEFINITELY have nipples. ;)Some are less obvious, like on smaller bucks. My big buck has really noticeable ones.

I rechecked Onzlo this morning... Turn out hejust has reallllyyy tiny ones soI justwasn'tnoticing them. I wish I could remeber where I read thatboys didn't have 'em so I could go tell them that they did...

Of course guys have nipples. Male humans do, so it stands to reason that males of other species do. ;)
I think I do have a boy because he iskind of aggressive. I think I'm going to start giving nepo normal foodagain and oats and timothy hay.

I can't remeber any cute stories about nepo, but when I do I'll post them.


Bucks (boy rabbits) do have nipples. The thing is though how big arethey. The reason why I ask is because most the time you dont evennotice the nipples on the bucks. If they are big it could warn of aproblem like a infection on the nipples. Usauly though the only waythat this happends is if the cage is realy dirty and it usauly does nothappen on younger animals. As long as the nipples dont look inflamed,or like there is a mass behind them or anything other than healthy Iwould not worry about it.

Cant wait to see a picture of your new rabbit!
what does *bump* mean?

my older girl Rue is totally addicted to Bonanza food, same thing lotsof treats in it. the vet said that that kind of food is high in sugarand not good for buns. Rue eats all the treats first, then i say "toobad" to her and leave her dish until she finishes the pellets.

this worked and now she eats the pellets too. still last of course. Buti have tried just feeding her the normal pellets, no treats, but otherfresh veg and hay, but.... she absolutely refuses to eat those kinds ofpellets. we have had many stand-offs where she has not eaten thosepellets for days (even though i gave her fresh bowl of food a day) So iwould rather her eat, than not.

but still, now i'm worried about all that sugar!

"bump" is when you post a reply to an olderthread to move it up to the front of the line. We do this tobring attention to something we want to talk about more or to show tosomebody because it has good info.

Did you mix the old food with the new food? If you haven't,then try that and feed you bunny a mix of the two until she startseating the new stuff. Bunnies are picky and won't always eata new brand of pellet right away, even if it looks and smells just likethe old ones to us.

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