Well-Known Member
Hi Im new and I have a8month old bunny (Im not sure) and hisname is nepo he isreallyaffectionate and he is my first pet.AnywayI have some questions: About a week ago I gave him newkind of food that is a gourmet diet. It contains pellets,corn, bird seeds, pupmkin seeds, dehydrated bananas and othersstuff.Nepo eats everything but leaves the pellets so I thinkthat he doesn't like them anymore. So if I givehimhis normal foodhe might not eat them.And I think this foodf is causing soft stools, what could I do to makehim like his normal pellets?
Im not sureif nepo is a male because he hasnipples,are males supposed to have nipples oris hea female?
Im not sureif nepo is a male because he hasnipples,are males supposed to have nipples oris hea female?