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`Hi!We just inherited a lop eared rabbit over the weekend. Wehave several pets, but this is our first bunny. I'm not surewhat type of lop ear we have though, or how old he is. He ispretty big, about 12 pounds and very friendly. He came with ahuge rabbit hutch which is outside shaded by trees. I wouldjust like to know if anyone knows what type of bunny we have so we canproperly take care of him. So far, we have been feeding himrabbit pellets and timothy hay and he has had an occasional carrot andbroccoli. We have pine shavings inside his shelter in thehutch and an ear of Indian Corn to chew on. He did have awater bowl, but he kept knocking it over so we got a water bottleinstead. If anyone knows what kind of bunny we have, pleaselet me know. I'll attach a picture...his name isNapoleon. Any other advice for a newbie rabbit owner is muchappreciated!