Hi! New to the bunny world

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island, New York, USA
My name is Eileen, and about 6 weeks ago I was truly chosen by a New Zeanland White bunny.

I work in a wildlife hospital, with native wildlife. In comes this "albino cottontail" which turned out to be a white domestic bun. For reasons unexplained, there was just that connection & I had to keep him.

He was flea infested, half his body weight (only about 4lbs), had a badly infected front paw. Here is a picture of him when he first came to us:


Look how skinny he was :<(

Luckily, I have a great rabbit vet, and got him immediately on injectible penicillin, Oxbow pellets & hay, & fresh veggies. On the second day I had him, he went into gut stasis - 3 days at the vet office, he recovered. It was sooo stressful. However, he had a strange bloody nose, which nobody could figure out, until this happened 3 weeks later:


A cuterebra, courtesy of his time outside. Three days later & a lot of stress, it passed.

Now he is fine. Gained a lot of weight ,binkying all over the place, is a really sweet and licky boy. He actually really loves to lick my face; Here we are - this is also an old picture, he's much heavier now(in a good way, he's not overweight), :


His name is Gulliver, and I am hoping his bad travels are over. Since he is about 4 months old, we think he was an Easter bunny that the family let loose. Their loss, for sure, as he is a sweetheart.

I'm so glad to have found this forum - there's sure a lot to learn about bunnies, but it is a lot of fun.

OK, the pictures didn't show up but the links do - new forum for me, I'll figure it out!

Hi there and welcome! I edited your pics for you, there was an http in there twice so it wasnt working right. You can either copy and past the IMG line here or use this button:
to paste a website in. Either works :)

Gulliver is so adorable, I cant believe how much he's been through. Bless you for taking him in. He's really a lucky guy.

Look forward to seeing more of this handsome fellow and to chatting with you!


PS> Would you mind posting your location under My Account-Profile. It helps us mods to know generally where people are located. Thanks!
OMG that bot fly is disgusting! Poor Gulliver, I can't even imagine having to go through that.

Congrats on taking him in! It looks like you've done a great job of taking care of him.
Hi backto everybody!
Haley, I updated my profile - sorry;it was late when I registered.

Thanks for all your kind words, though I just can't help feel that as lucky as he is, I'm just as lucky to have found him. He's wonderful. Even though he peed on our bed.;>;) (He'll be getting neutered soon!)

Welcome Eileen!! :wave:

Oh what a great thing you have done, rescuing that poor boy and getting him back to health. You will just love being a bunny owner...uh, I mean slave...they are the best little creatures!

I look forward to seeing more pictures of Gulliver :)

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~
Welcome to RO:biggrin2:

I am kinda new here too.
My buns name is BK, he is about 12 months now.
Your pics are very cute, well cute when he recovered a bit , poor baby.
He looked so thin.
It must be both wonderful at times and heartbreaking at others to work at your job!

Gulliver chose you and RO will teach you all you need to know to keep him as healthy and happy as he can be:p

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