Hi....New to having bunnies

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Dec 31, 2009
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Near San Antonio, Texas, USA
My name is Nona and I will be getting two Holland Lops in about 2 weeks. I've been researching to find out all I can about them but it's always great to speak with people who are already experienced on the subject. I would like to make their home here as perfect and enjoyable as I can.

Iown 6+ acresnear San Antonio, TX...I have 5 boys, ages 2-18, 3 dogs, 3 dwarf goats, 2 fish aquariums, and a parakeet.
Welcome to Rabbits Online..my name is Hannah :)

have fun checking out the site-there is soo much good information here... someone will post here and give you more detail on the site like where to find things.

if you have any questions about the site-feel free to ask.
Hello & Welcome from Michigan, This website is the greatest. I hope you will enjoy. These people are so helpful..
Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

I’ve listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, How to put photo's in your posts.

This the best site on the web for bunnies and I look forward to hearing stories and looking at pictures of your rabbits.

:wave: hello from me and my rexes. this is definitely the place to learn how to be the best bunny servant you can be!

Thank you for all the warm welcomes. I've been roaming around the site getting some good info.

I was trying to look at the hutches to get some good ideas but most of the pics are deleted or wont show up but there was a few good ones still up. Mine are going to have 2 houses, one inside and one hutch outside for nice weather. Right now we are still deciding but the plan for the moment is a 4 story hutch with the top story fully inclosed, the next one partially enclosed and the bottom 2 open. The very bottom will be longer to make a small run for them, sorta like an upside down T. The door will run right down the middle. One side of the bottom T will have a type of flower bed so I can put small containers of grass or veggies in it and put a top over the pots so only the plant is showing and cant be pulled all over the cage making a mess. I'm thinking maybe 6 or 7 feet tall, 4 or 5 feet wide except for thr bottom row which will be longer.

Do you guys see anything wrong with any of this? Or any suggestions? I'll try to get a mock plan drawn and put on here if I can.
Hi and welcome....I know it was posted already but we LOVE pics here. It sound like a real nice place that ulive on!!!
I guess I will go ahead and post this here too but wasnt sure if I should so I posted it in the cages section.....

I'm thinking 1 1/2 feet high per floor which makes 6 feet total...not sure of width yet, I'm thinking maybe 2 or 3 feet. Heavy duty wire fence (I live in the country so need protection), Wood floors covered with I dont know what yet except for the bottom row which will be wire also but buried a little with soil on top to grow grass. The bottom row will probably also be surrounded by concrete tiles. The planter will have a top that goes over the plant baseso they cant be pulled out and carried everywhere making a mess. Also thinking about making shelves next to this to grow the small containers of herbs and veggies so I can switch them out when they are eaten.

Questions... *Will 1 1/2 feet high be tall enough for a dwarf rabbit?

*Can I use cow manure to fertilize the container plants without hurting bunny?

*What would be good to cover the wood floors on the top 3 levels?

*How many water bottles should I put in here? I was thinking 2, one on top floor and one on bottom.

*Does this sound like a suitable home for 2 dwarf Holland Lops or should I scrap this plan and start over?


Shoot i like the drawing...An NIC pannel is14 inches and I used 2 for mine. (tall) but IDK if u would have to go that high.

I would coner all the floors with coroplast or vinal then maybe carpet only if they r not carpet chewers

will this b indoor or outdoor cage??

If it was me iwud do a water bottle by or in the litter pan to aide in potty training as well as the food. But yes definitly one per bun or more u dont want them to go with out water.

where is the hay going to be???

Hope this makes sence and other RO members might have more insight than I...These r just my thoughts...nice job btw!!!!
Hi, I have a Lop (Butterball), Angora (Zoro) and Lionhead (Momo).
All three are about a month old, at least that's what the store owner said.
Nice to meet you :)
Fancy77 I'm going to go with your thoughts about the floor but I guess first I will have to see if they will be chewers or not.

But I did scrap this idea when I saw one of the other members houses and modified theirs a bit to my taste. I posted it in the cages section with ,what I hope, is a good description. Here is the pic with out description...


That Cage rocks I know!!!! so they will b out door buns I get it. sounds like u r on the right path to me. It always hepls when u have a picture or get ideas from other sourses
Yes it does! I fell in love when I saw it. Of course my ADD brain started thinking of what else I could do with it and I came up with that. I didnt like the wasted space in the outside part since when standing up the dwarfs are maybe 2 feet high. Thats why I added the run on the side with the storage on top. Dont know if I will do the same to the other side as I want a place for me to sit and watch my bunnies..Plus I wanted to add the "garden" section which maybe be put on the other side under the ramp to fit a chair in for me.
I just showed my drawing to my brother-in-law and he shook his head and rolled his eyes so that means I just have to buy the materials and he will make it (you have to knowbrother-in-law sign language to understand what they are really saying) ...Yeah for me!:bunnydance:

The shake of the head means "I dont really want to do this, I'd rather be watchingESPN or the western channel" The rolling of the eyes means " even though I dont want to do this, I will so that your sister will give me some extra "personal" time for making her favorite sister happy"!

Ya gotta love brother-in-laws.:inlove: Or at least love that you can talk them into almost anything!!:biggrin2:;)
Fancy,:wave: I used to keep a blog called "Yammers of a Crazy Woman"...I have 5 boys, hence the crazy woman part...lol I might just start up another one when I get my bun-buns.... "Yammers of aCrazy Bunny Woman":pinkbouce:I'm on my way to read yours right now.:pinkelepht:

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