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Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to Bunny ownership/parenting and new to Rabbit forums/clubs in general. We have had our new pet for 1 month now, she's about 11 weeks old, is a Mini Rex breed and is Cinnamon coloured.

We live in Sydney, Australia, which is in autumn right now, in a 3 brd house with a very small courtyard. Cinnabun (also know as BunBun) is primarily an inside bunny who has an outside hutch to get some fresh air and sunbake.

We (my two young children and I) are hoping to come across a bunny savvy vet before we actually need one. Any ideas on how to source such a vet would be greatly appreciated.

Mish, Neddi, Peta and BunBun
Hi and welcome!
Please put your location in your profile, it helps us know what kind of products and such are available in your area.
Maybe one of our Australian members can help you find a vet.
Welcome to the forum!

I had a mini rex until last Nov. She passed away suddenly:(. I love Rexes:D! Is BunBun your bunny's name? That was my first bun's name:).

Here is a link from our library for vets in your country. Hopefully you can find one on there close to you;).


Hope to see a pic of your bunny. Hope you're enjoying the forum, we're glad to have you!

And Welcome to Ro. I can't wait to see some pics of your buns. The best place to look if you have any questions, then go to the library. Haha. That's the first place I went when I got here. :D
Thankx for the warm welcomes, I will edit my location as advised and check out the library after the girls go to bed.

Bunbun is our bunnies nick name, we have officially called her Cinnabun (luckily we don't have that brand in Australia, but I ate quite a few of them last time I was in Canada years ago). My two year old is having a challenging time with the name so Bunbun is how she's fondly known for now.

Cheers, Mish
:welcome1to the forum! Great site for any questions or to simply tell everyone the adventures of Cinnabun/BunBun. We all like to hear stories about each others rabbits.

I look forward/expect ;)to seeing pictures of your bunny.
Well, I've started a RO Blog so that you can all see our new bunny, but I can't figure out how to get it into my profile as a blue link? Anyone want to enlighten the not to technical newbie? Please!
Thanks so much for that link. It still took me a couple of goes but I got it at last. I would never have figured that out for myself, Cheers.
Welcome to RO! (I joined yesterday too, though I've been an RO fan for quite awhile through my hubby, Wabbitdad 12.) Looking forward to getting to know you and your bun.:welcome1

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