hi im new!!!! wat pets do u have?

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Oct 4, 2006
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Hiya im new! my name is emma nd im 11!!

How r all u guys, i have to say i LOVE all pets,, so tell me about ur pets nd mybe u cud show me sum pics of them!!

We have many creatures :) Our newestadditions are the 2RES(red-earedslider)turtles that my friendgave a couple daysago. I'm keeping them in my kitchen.



Oh Pam, that turtle looks amazing! I would love a turtle!

Sadly, I don't have anything like that, but I do have the three buns ofcourse, also two kitties and two chinese dwarf hamsters.:D
Have a new resident today - wood frog:) He joins our other terrarium creatures: praying mantis,tree frog, toad and misc. tiny creatures. We also havewalking sticks - they are kept separate, or the praying mantis wouldeat them.






That's a picture I got off theinternetthat looks exactly like ourlittletoad. He's absolutely adorable and has anenchanting personality. Toads are very interesting littlecreatures (and they sure eat a lot!)

The photo above the toad is a gray tree frog identical to ours (graytree frogs can change color and can change color from bright green togray or brown. (We've seen ours in all colors although he generallystays grayish).

The insect photo shows one of the species of walking sticks that we have (Indian).

The top photo was of a wood frog, like the one Matthew just caught and added to our terrarium.

We also had some teeny tiny frogs, but the huge praying mantis ate them :(

A lovely combination of animals!

A Walking Stick? Over here we call them Stick Insects.

If you go to the blogs sections on the forum we all have are pets on their under each of our names.

You will find mine under 'Pepper and Dotties Thread' :)
Here are my other babies...

We have two kitties, littermates. We have a girl named Sunny,and her brother, named Hobbes. Sunny has been looking out forHobbes since birth, pretty much. I've rarely seen themapart. If one is sleeping near the other and one gets up toeat in the other room...the other will get up and go around the house,doing a special meow they do when they're looking for oneanother. It's very sweet. They bathe each other,and when we stayed with a friend that had a HUGE, slightly agressivecat, they banded together as a little team. Verysweet. They're about 2.5 years old now, and truly what Iwould call Mama's Babies!! :D

Here is our Handsome Hobbes:

And our Pretty Sunny:

And the two of them all snuggly on my daughter's bed. Aren't their smiles so cute?

I have2 dogsand a new rat. :)

I dont have pics of the rat though.

Here are Tyson and Goldie:


~~Emma~~ wrote:
Hiya im new! my name is emma nd im 11!!

How r all u guys, i have to say i LOVE all pets,, so tell me about ur pets nd mybe u cud show me sum pics of them!!


emma........hmmm......emz.....oh yeah ur my friend?? oh sorry i have ashort recolection your my BEST FRIEND!!! why do yuo keep making newaccounts here?LOL!! is dis ur third rfourth????????????????????????????? did u break up wiv sam and then getback 2gether with him?? lol!! havent seen u in ages how cumya werent at the carol service thing????

miss ya!!


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