Well first off, Hello and welcome! :biggrin2:
Your story is very "interesting"... I don't know if you meant that the guy actually
said the rabbits where meat rabbits or if you assume they are because of what they look like. But if you are assuming, not all large white breed rabbits are meat rabbits. From what you are describing, they sound like New Zealand rabbits which can make wonderful pets! but yes, I have heard of them being used as meat rabbits as well.
There are lots of different breeds/sizes of rabbits and that need to be took into consideration when getting a rabbit. It can make a HUGE difference in the ownership of having one. It really depends on the person owning the rabbit. If you have the money and space for a large rabbit and think you would like being around and holding a large rabbit, then that might be the size for you, but if you don't have as much space and money and want something easy to hold and pick up, then a small or dwarf breed rabbit would probably be best for you.
Personally, I like dwarf/small breeds best because they are easier to handle, easier to pick up, and don't need a ton of space. But like I said, that's in my own opinion. Others who have large breed rabbits would probably say otherwise and say they like there large rabbit for whatever reasons.
Rabbits are VERY fun, loving, and smart animals which they usually do not get credit for. They remind me of a dog! They are just that interesting!! Different breeds though have different personalities, a rabbit isn't
just a rabbit. People need to remember that.
And if you are looking into getting one, think about it. If you want a pet like that and can afford it, ect. I would say go for it. BUT make sure you look into which breeds you like and which breed you want. If the large (Possible New Zealand) white rabbit is not what you want, do not get him/her. Rabbits like over 10 years and are a big decision. If you think you want a rabbit, get one but don't get the one the guy said he will give you just cause you can have it. Get a bunny you REALLY want.
I don't know anyone who doesn't fall in love with them after owning one so I have no doubts with you, but you have to want one and have to be prepared for one. Which means, do your research!

And what better place to do that than Rabbits Online Forum!!!!!!
And to answer some of your questions:
-I have never had a rabbit before, have been researching etc. but am not sure I am ready for one, your ideas? If you are unsure if you are ready, don't rush. Take your time and snoop around the forum and gather information. Read up and what actually rabbit owners say its like having rabbits. This will help you out. You could even go to a local shelter that adopts out rabbits and hold,play, and mess with a few to see what its like. Doing that with a variety of sizes will also help with the size/breed desision also.
-I read that when you have to wean the rabbts in 6-8 weeks,
that the mother should be taken away for a couple of hours each day?
How would we go about this if the mother attacks when we try to catch her? Yes, some wean them like that but not all. The breeder/owner should know how to deal with his
own rabbit and shouldn't have a problem with messing with the mommy rabbit. If he is a "breeder" that is something he should know how to do, that's what you have to deal with when raising animals. But, some people just take them form the mom at weaning age without that process, so it really just depends on how he does it.
-What foods are toxic to them, apparently their poo is aswell, but apparently the babies eat their mums poo? Well, Rabbits should have hay, Rabbit pellets, veggies, and fruits. They should have only safe varieties of those things though. NO pesticides and no chemicals on any of it! Organic is best. Here is a link to safe rabbit veggies & fruits:
http://www.adoptarabbit.com/articles/packet/abcvegi.html As for the rabbit food, they need a hay based pellet. The best stuff is sold at farm stores, in my opinion. The nutrition thread, here:
http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_forum.php?id=48 should answer any other questions oyu may have on food, ect.
-What would you do in this situation? Any help?! In this situation, like I said, You should take your time, read up on rabbits as much as possible by sticking around the forum and just do your research. Rabbits are GREAT pets and I would tell you to consider one, but you need to know your stuff first. There is a lot to consider when getting a rabbit, you want to make sure you get the right one!
After researching, and if you decided you want a bunny, you can look here:
http://www.petfinder.com which is a shelter site that will show you the type of pet you are looking for in your area at your local shelters. Or, you can look on
http://www.craigslist.com which is classified ads, they always have bunnies. Just type in your area.
I hope all this helps you out, I can not tell you what to do, but I said as much as I could to possibly help out. Stick around the forum, it can be a real help.
Good luck, keep us updated, and again, Welcome! :wiggle