Yeh, I think this site is really different. For one thing the majority of members are from the US, not the UK like RU. Also, breeders are accepted and welcomed here, as well as rescuers, pet owners, etc. That means we get a whole different variety of knowledge. Also, there are some excellent people from the US who know a great deal (and it can vary from what we know in the UK), which can provide a wider wealth of knowledge. I recently got shot down on RU for stating my opinion on something due to taking on board something from here, and whilst it didn't feel good, I was glad I was able to have wide knowledge not just from the UK. Just jump in. You'll hopefully find it a friendly and comfortable place to be and feel free to PM me anytime.
cheers flashy, yeah will just take me a wee while to get used to the layout of this place. yeah RU can get a little heated, i try and stay out of hot topics. leave them to it. hey irish lops nice to know someone from N.I is on here.