Please read THIS post...Did you ban all of her accounts? Are you going to ban anyaccount she ever signs up with again?
Uh... why are you saying 'she?' This is exactlywhat I mean about using screen names HONESTLY.
If YOU behave, YOU cankeep your bunny names -- but I need arundown of what bunnies you have. I will reinstate Candy, Aceand Lilly, but you have tolose alltheothers. ESPECIALLY the new ones --Milkyway,AnimalLover and Acer.
I need'Lori' to prove to mewho sheis.I'd like for her to call me. Or I cancall her.
You are taking up WAYWAYWAY too much time on here!
I know I will. There have been alot of annoyanceslately, I thought it was just me:embarrassed:. Good jobPipp!!Pipp wrote:Uh... why areyou saying 'she?' This is exactly what I mean about usingscreen names HONESTLY.
If YOU behave, YOU cankeep your bunny names -- but I need arundown of what bunnies you have. I will reinstate Candy, Aceand Lilly, but you have tolose alltheothers. ESPECIALLY the new ones --Milkyway,AnimalLover and Acer.
I need'Lori' to prove to mewho sheis.I'd like for her to call me. Or I cancall her.
You are taking up WAYWAYWAY too much time on here!
SAS, It's really a pain in in the patoot sorting out thisperson. Just call her 'Eve' especially since she will postunder one name and then answers herselfunder her otherID's. There's a few examples in the Generalsection. User names ad infinitem...
Annoying, time wasting, juvenile, etc. I think I will ignorethem all, as will others. Too bad if she ever needs help witha rabbit.
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