Welcome to the forum! This is a great site for learning about rabbits and their care.
Just some thoughts, rabbits and very young children generally don't mix well. Little ones can sometimes be a little rough, kids want to hold the bunny to hard, chase it etc., which scares it and all it will want to do is hide or nip at anything the gets near it.
I would really consider the rabbit yours and supervise any time kids are around the bunny. Rabbits although cute and cuddly do grow up. Rabbits tend to go through "teenage years" around 6-9 months where they can be aggressive. For bucks/males this is greatly reduced if they are neutered. Spaying does/females greatly reduces chances of uterine cancer.
Rabbits are like other animals in that they each have their own unique personalities. I have 16 rabbitsand each one has its own unique personality. Rabbits do get territorial about their cages/hutches and don't always like people putting their hands inside, they may charge, grunt and thump there rear feet to let you know they are not happy. Occasional nips can be expected.
Rabbitsneed daily care, changing litter boxes regularlary (helps reduce the odor if indoors) and keeps the bunny healthy, giving a good diet of hay, pellets and the proper veggies.
To earn a rabbits trust and love is quite an accomplishment. Rabbits are great companions, they can be taught to use a litter box and with proper rabbit proofing some people let the rabbits have the run of a room or an entire level of their house or apartment. Rabbits are very intelligent animals also.
A rabbit needs to have a large enough cage that it can run around in and stretch out or lay down, and they need to have toys to play with. Baby keys, toilet paper tubes, unvarnished wicker balls to chew on, cardboard box house to hide in etc.
Rabbits are great animals and I love mine to death. They are always a source of entertainment and awe. Try and get a rabbit from a animal rescue. This is probably more then you were looking for but I hope it helps.
Please send me a private message (pm) I am more then happy to answer any questions.