Hi, I'm Heather Marie

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Well, let me tell you bout my buns. I just stumbled across this site last night. I have searched so much on the web for online "rabbit groups" and it never came up..... hmph, well here goes.
Last April I adopted my first bun out of the blue. SugarBunny. SugarBunny had the high life and we moved from Kentucky to Louisiana and I built him a huge bunny condo that took up half the living room, even tho he spent most time with me on the couch. He would do crazy binkies and figure eight between my feet as we walked around the house. He was the love of my life. Then one day about a month ago, I came home at lunch from work and SugarBunny was sick. Real sick. I scooped him up and ran him to the first vet I could get to, and they said they couldn't do anything I had to take him to my real vet which is farther away. I finally get there, and the Doc said he heard one last heartbeat before my baby passed. He checked his stomach and everything and has no idea what happened. He was fine just hours before when i left to work.
About two weeks ago i decided to save a new bun in honor of the Sugar so while I intended on adopting from a rescue i was just looking at pet shops and I wandered in to a petshop downtown. He only had one rabbit out but when he saw me looking at him, he said he had some more "in the back". I followed him so far back where he kept extra food and there were two little girl bunnies in the cold and dark stacked underneath boxes. My heart broke. I said give me both of them. Enter Patches and Widget. Patches is supposedly a dwarf but looks exactly like a teenie tiny Checkered Giant. Widget looks kinda like a Dutch bunny (which SugarBunny was) except without the white chest. A tiny white streak on her forehead and a little bit of white on her front paws but the rest is pure black. So I'm not sure what she is either, but they are both fitting into this new life wonderfully.
Newest surprise. Four days ago, I wake up in the middle of the night and as always check on my sleeping buns, and lo-and-behold there is MOUNDS of hair in the very back corner of their run. Then it starts to move. Widget was pregnant. So at 8 a.m. I call my vet to ask for advice....and long story short 4 days later, we have three very healthy babies...4 did not make it, but the vet tells me this is normal......it is still heartbreaking if no one has experienced this.
It's nice to be able to share with out rabbit lovers, but this is my rabbit story and it's nice to meet you all. :)

p.s. could someone tell me how to post a picture and i have a gorgeous one of the babies and Widget & Patches. :)
Welcome :) I'm sorry about SugarBunny but I'm glad you have Widget, Patches and the babies now. Are you planning on keeping the kits?

As for the pictures it has to be hosted somewhere like Photobucket.com and then you could post them on here.
I'm not one hundred percent sure about the kits yet. I had just gotten the new bun's myself, I was definately not expecting to adopt a family. I think I may keep any females...I have two very bun-friendly pals who are more than willing to take two of the three...but like i said, i have 3 +/- months to decide what will happen with the kits. I just don't want to do anything that might endanger them, which makes me want to keep them so i know their being kept safe...but i really can't afford five bun's and i know that my two bun-friendlies will take good care....i don't know lol :)
Welcome to RO Heather Marie...I'm sure whether you decide to keep the kits or not they will be well cared for. You seem very intent on finding them good homes if you can't keep them.

Thank you for saving the buns. I can't wait to see pics!
HeatherMarie wrote:
Newest surprise. Four days ago, I wake up in the middle of the night and as always check on my sleeping buns, and lo-and-behold there is MOUNDS of hair in the very back corner of their run. Then it starts to move. Widget was pregnant.
Sorry to hear about your bunny:(. Glad to hear about your new bunnies!:)

Welcome to the forum. Many friendly people here with a wealth of information. I know how you feel. I bought a flemish doe at a rabbit show and didn't know she was pregnant. Went to the bunny room and discovered I had six more bunnies.

To post a picture sign up at photobucket.com, then upload your pictures. Underneath each picture are links, click your cursor in the line that says "IMG Code" copy it and then paste it in your post.

You will like this site, the people here are fantastic and you can talk all you want about your bunnies and no one will get tired of it! We all love to see pictues of each others bunnies so post plenty of pictures.
Were Patches & Widget separated as soon as you realized she was pregnant? I ask this because she can (and will) turn around and get pregnant again right after giving birth...

By the way, welcome to the forum...

patches is a she-bunny too. i've checked many times and i even did the gross little thing where i push on her bottom and check it against the diagrams (like in "sexing your rabbit" in bunny 101) :X but she was seperated from Widget and the babies until just yesterday. Patches (I think from the way she acts) is only a few months old herself and got really sad without her buddy Widge, so I put them back together.....

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