if they have dewlaps most likely theyre does orcould befat boys. but the testicles drop at about 4mths.
does can get fiesty/territorial towards each other. we had threesisters in a cage and eventually they started leaving bite marks on each other. so u might want to keep an eye out for that.
As far as telling if theyre pregnant. you can palpatewithin 14days of the pregnancy, if you know what youre feelingfor. There are websites that explain this but ive heard some veternariansare also able to do this. I had a vet palpate my bunnyand hesaid shewasn't pregnant 15 days later she had 4 babies on the wire in the middle of the nightnone survived.
no comment on the womens lack of knowledge from who you got these rabbits. sounds like they're with a better owner now though...