Hello my name is Amanda and I am a full timeworking mom (my own business) of twoKate 9 and Will8Married to Steve for 10 years. I am a devoted animal loverand have a passion for rescuing unwanted or endangered animals. Here isa list of my babes!
Baby, New Zealand Giant, Female, White with black spots, Baby had 5healthy babies on March 19th, Three black and Two white with spots.Dadis Max.
Cadgury, Holland Lop,Female, brown and black speck
Lady, Holland Lop, Female, White with brown and grey spots, expecting a litter on May 2nd, dad is Max.
Momma, Netherland Dwarf, Female, Black with grey belly
Gypsy, Neatherland Dwarf, Female Smoky grey with brown tuffs.
Fergie, Neatherland dwarf, Female, Silver
Max, Holland Lop, Male, Brown with a grey V on his head.
Hinder, Neatherland Dwarf, White with black spots
Benni, Neatherland Dwarf, Black.
Tasha, Jack russell, White with brown spots.
Hunter Jack Russell & Spaniel Mix, White with black spots
Lucky 10 years old, white with grey stripes. Very crabby!
Jenna, Dusty orange with stripes, male or female...who knows!Has both male and female parts...
Jersey, Black and white, found on the side of the road! Best Cat Ever!
Sassy, and "THE MAN" male and female Budgies, male is green and femaleis yellow. Female is sitting on one egg and probably more in the nextfew days.
Two Aquariums, Love the fish but to many to name.!
That's me in a nut shell and Yeah it is a funny farm somedays!
Looking forward to making some bunny friends cause noone I know raises rabbits!
Baby, New Zealand Giant, Female, White with black spots, Baby had 5healthy babies on March 19th, Three black and Two white with spots.Dadis Max.
Cadgury, Holland Lop,Female, brown and black speck
Lady, Holland Lop, Female, White with brown and grey spots, expecting a litter on May 2nd, dad is Max.
Momma, Netherland Dwarf, Female, Black with grey belly
Gypsy, Neatherland Dwarf, Female Smoky grey with brown tuffs.
Fergie, Neatherland dwarf, Female, Silver
Max, Holland Lop, Male, Brown with a grey V on his head.
Hinder, Neatherland Dwarf, White with black spots
Benni, Neatherland Dwarf, Black.
Tasha, Jack russell, White with brown spots.
Hunter Jack Russell & Spaniel Mix, White with black spots
Lucky 10 years old, white with grey stripes. Very crabby!
Jenna, Dusty orange with stripes, male or female...who knows!Has both male and female parts...
Jersey, Black and white, found on the side of the road! Best Cat Ever!
Sassy, and "THE MAN" male and female Budgies, male is green and femaleis yellow. Female is sitting on one egg and probably more in the nextfew days.
Two Aquariums, Love the fish but to many to name.!
That's me in a nut shell and Yeah it is a funny farm somedays!
Looking forward to making some bunny friends cause noone I know raises rabbits!