Hi from Oklahoma!

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New Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Hi! My name's Katherine and I have two New Zealand Rabbits named Babs and Bugs. They're both of the white variety. I have only recently aquired these rabbits (for breeding/pet purposes), butI also used to have a Flemish Giant Rabbit. They are really sweet (except that Babs likes to eat my clothes when Im holding her). They live in a large (and well protected) outdoor hutch (that we cover with a fly net in summer to keep the flies out). We do bring them inside when the weather is bad though. We just can't keep them inside all the time because we live in a somewhat small house that we share with 10 parrots, a cat, a dog, and a goldfish.

Anyway, its nice to meet you all :)




Heya and welcome to the RO forums, Katherine - your rabbits are gorgeous....my goodness - TEN parrots? Hehe, that's a lot of feathers:p
Thank you!

Yup! 10 parrots lol. Well more like a hybrid Sun X Jenday Conure, 3 lovebirds, and 6 budgies. Theres even more feathers when they're constantly molting lol. Anyway, It's spring and there will soon be even more feathers. My lovebird pair are now sitting on another clutch of eggs.
They look like the perfect kind of rabbits to be pulled out of a hat by a magician... in a good way!

welcome to the forums :)
Those look like some happy buns! How did you like having a Flemish Giant? I'm thinking it'd be fun to have a giant rabbit around.
welcome your rabbits are cute!!! I use to have a rabbit named Babs, i named her after the Tiny toons cartoon,lol. I love lovebirds too, i use to have one and i still miss him he was so nice and bonded to me, he was great.
JeffS- The Flemish was really sweet. He was very big though.

Luvmyzoocrew- I named Babs off of Tiny Toons, too! lol. She was my favorite character. My lovebirds aren't very tame because they're a breeder pair and the other lovebird is still pretty young, but I gave her to my dad for his birthday.

Wow, I wasn't expecting so many people to reply. Most forums are really slow lol
This forum is very active i am sure you will love it here, like the rest of us do. So i am not the only one who watched Tiny Toons,lol. My lovebird was hand raised, and a single bird so he was all about me, gosh i still miss him he had such a neat personality. Then i had another one that flew up on a neighbors lawn and i took it, and he wasnt tame and always acted like i was trying to kill him when i cleaned the cage or fed him,lol. His name was Socks because when i got him he pulled out almost all his feathers and all he left was a ring of feathers around his feet which looked like socks!!!!! lol

thanks for all the welcomes lol.

I think Babs is finally starting to like me. Today I had her outside on the porch and she kept wanting me to pet her. Then she jumpped into my lap lol. Bugs is starting to bond with me as well.

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