Hi from me and all the buns

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Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
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Thankyou to YukonDaisy for recommending this site to me.:)

I got my first bun a year and a half ago. Gizmo,(female Mini Lop). Since then Callie(female lionhead), Buster, Chester and Dexter (Mini Lop brothers), Oliver( Male Holland Lop) and just today, Della(BEW Female Holland Lop) have joined our bunny family. We also have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 Chinchillas, 2 Cockatiels and 3 Hamsters. I"m a stay at home Mom , so am lucky enough to have lots of time to devote to my crew.

I have taken in alot of my babies cause noone wanted them for one reason or another. Three of my buns have ear abnormalities, one Cockatiel has badly splayed legs. One of my chins is a fur chewer and the other one is blind. They are all perfect in my eyes and each one is so special. Really looking forward to chatting buns with all of you.
Hi there, great to have you on board! We have an awesome BC crew here.

Sounds like you have an awesome zoo going on over there. We'd love pictures when you get a chance to post them.

Hello & welcome to the forum. I'm new myself.

You sound a lot like me with all the animals!:D

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