This looks like a nice place to meet a lot of people who know a lot about rabbits. My name is Lori Bierschenk and I live between Waterloo and Cedar Rapids Iowa. My husband and I farm and besides the row crops, we raise cattle, Quarter Horses, chickens and have cats and a couple of hunting dogs, as that is my husbands hobby. My boys are 7 and 4 and are wanting to have a couple of rabbits. The oldest will start 4-H next year, so we want to get a good start on them. I have spent the last month researching breeds and reading up on general care for rabbits and we are now ready to buy. The boys have cleaned out a box stall in the barn which is nicely ventilated and it is ready for the cage. Grandma has offered to take all of the "fertilizer" for her flower gardens, so the boys are excited to be earning some money for the feed. So we're excited about getting a few rabbits and I look forward to meeting new people and forming some friendships from our new endeavor. I'm sure I will have questions and am a picture buff, so it will be nice to share in that way too.