Hi From Indiana

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Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Indiana, ,
Hi! This is a beautiful forum you've got here, and I look forward to learning a lot from you guys and gals!

I'm Amber; I have a small hobby farm in Southern Indiana. This weekend I got my first bun and have been Googling like mad ever since. I stumbled across a website run by gentle giants (Hi!! lol) and along with some wonderful advice, she directed me here. While I have experience with many types of equines, canines, felines, and fowl, I am excited to learn how to be a good bunny slave! :)

My bun is supposedly a Netherland Dwarf mix; I don't know how old he is, but I wouldn't guess he's very old. He's black with a little grey mixed in and we've tenuously named him Rufus T. Bunnington, just 'Bunn' for short, lol. I visit our local Rural King several times a week for dog/cat/horse things and I always get irked when I walk down the chick/duckling/bunn aisle and see all the people buying their kids ducklings and such; I have trouble keeping my mouth shut when I see the sales associates recommending the medicated chick food for first-time-duck-buyers. Anyway, this poor bunn had been in there by himself for two weeks now and was cowering in the same corner every time I visited. I couldn't stand it anymore, so he came home with me. His favorite things so far seem to be banana slices and cheek massages, lol.

I probably won't post much, so I apologize in advance; I've got dial-up and an old PC, so sometimes posting is just more trouble than it's worth, lol. But I will be lurking and reading and will be ever grateful for the stuff I learn from you all. Besides, as you can see here, everytime I start to type, it turns into a novel, ha ha! So I'll quit while I'm ahead. Thanks again, looking forward to learning! Have a great day!

Amber and 'Bunn'

Welcome to the forums Amber (& Bunn) wonderful intro there.
So glad you rescued the poor guy - our first rabbit as a family was a little ND (Harry RIP)we have 9 Holland Lops at the moment (both parents and one from a previous litter and probably keeping one from our current litter)...bunnies do grow on you, lol.
Anyhow, post pics when you can please - I understand about slow-poke PC's...I use this one when my teen-ager daughter is using the faster one to listen to music and chat with friends and do her art projects.
:wave:hi amber and bunn. im another one at the back of the line when it comes to a turn on the computer. hubby has his own exclusive laptop:Donce the kids come home im being logged on and off quicker than a binkying bun:( i keep threatening to get my own laptop - lol - everyone knows i wouldnt have a clue how to set it up.

well done for rescuing bunn. luckily our pet shops dont sell chicks and ducklings.
Thanks so much! And don't worry, there will soon be lots of pics; I tend to be extremely camera-happy, but I keepforgetting it at work :Xlol!!!


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