Hi! This is a beautiful forum you've got here, and I look forward to learning a lot from you guys and gals!
I'm Amber; I have a small hobby farm in Southern Indiana. This weekend I got my first bun and have been Googling like mad ever since. I stumbled across a website run by gentle giants (Hi!! lol) and along with some wonderful advice, she directed me here. While I have experience with many types of equines, canines, felines, and fowl, I am excited to learn how to be a good bunny slave!
My bun is supposedly a Netherland Dwarf mix; I don't know how old he is, but I wouldn't guess he's very old. He's black with a little grey mixed in and we've tenuously named him Rufus T. Bunnington, just 'Bunn' for short, lol. I visit our local Rural King several times a week for dog/cat/horse things and I always get irked when I walk down the chick/duckling/bunn aisle and see all the people buying their kids ducklings and such; I have trouble keeping my mouth shut when I see the sales associates recommending the medicated chick food for first-time-duck-buyers. Anyway, this poor bunn had been in there by himself for two weeks now and was cowering in the same corner every time I visited. I couldn't stand it anymore, so he came home with me. His favorite things so far seem to be banana slices and cheek massages, lol.
I probably won't post much, so I apologize in advance; I've got dial-up and an old PC, so sometimes posting is just more trouble than it's worth, lol. But I will be lurking and reading and will be ever grateful for the stuff I learn from you all. Besides, as you can see here, everytime I start to type, it turns into a novel, ha ha! So I'll quit while I'm ahead. Thanks again, looking forward to learning! Have a great day!
Amber and 'Bunn'
I'm Amber; I have a small hobby farm in Southern Indiana. This weekend I got my first bun and have been Googling like mad ever since. I stumbled across a website run by gentle giants (Hi!! lol) and along with some wonderful advice, she directed me here. While I have experience with many types of equines, canines, felines, and fowl, I am excited to learn how to be a good bunny slave!
My bun is supposedly a Netherland Dwarf mix; I don't know how old he is, but I wouldn't guess he's very old. He's black with a little grey mixed in and we've tenuously named him Rufus T. Bunnington, just 'Bunn' for short, lol. I visit our local Rural King several times a week for dog/cat/horse things and I always get irked when I walk down the chick/duckling/bunn aisle and see all the people buying their kids ducklings and such; I have trouble keeping my mouth shut when I see the sales associates recommending the medicated chick food for first-time-duck-buyers. Anyway, this poor bunn had been in there by himself for two weeks now and was cowering in the same corner every time I visited. I couldn't stand it anymore, so he came home with me. His favorite things so far seem to be banana slices and cheek massages, lol.
I probably won't post much, so I apologize in advance; I've got dial-up and an old PC, so sometimes posting is just more trouble than it's worth, lol. But I will be lurking and reading and will be ever grateful for the stuff I learn from you all. Besides, as you can see here, everytime I start to type, it turns into a novel, ha ha! So I'll quit while I'm ahead. Thanks again, looking forward to learning! Have a great day!
Amber and 'Bunn'