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New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
:)I'm new to the forum and thought Iwould introduce myself. I live in the South East of Englandand have been slave to a few rabbits over the years. Sadly myrabbit Karrots recently passed over to the Rainbow Bridge so at presentI don't have any buns :( He is greatly missed and he was themost fantastic house rabbit...... I loved him dearly. I havebeen considering getting a few more buns in the near future, possiblyrescues,and would like for them to have a palace of a hutchin the garden. One of the questions that I have is what sizehutch should I get? I want quite big buns but would like toknow of the minimum size hutch for two average sized rabbits, so that Ihave some guidelines to work along. The other question I haveis that we have foxes where I live and would like the some informationon the best sort of hutch to get that will protect myrabbits. Any ideas for any humane deterrents would be verymuch appreciated too:) Thanks for any help you cangive me :D
I have house rabbits, so I'm not 100%sure about building for outdoor hutches. Plus, I'm not familiar withyour climate.

However, I'd like to welcome you to the forum! I'm sorry about Karrots. :(
Greetings and Welcome to the forum.

I'm so sorry that Karrots crossed.

I just found a really neat way to deter preditors ......

"The Scarecrow is a motion activated sprinkler that chasesanimals away from your pond or water garden. It isa clean and effective alternative to smelly, poisonous, or visuallydisruptive repellents. Just hook up to your garden hose, plug in thebattery and point it over the area to be protected. It's thateasy."

JimD wrote:
Greetings and Welcome to the forum.

I'm so sorry that Karrots crossed.

I just found a really neat way to deter preditors ......

"The Scarecrow is a motion activated sprinkler that chasesanimals away from your pond or water garden. It isa clean and effective alternative to smelly, poisonous, or visuallydisruptive repellents. Just hook up to your garden hose, plug in thebattery and point it over the area to be protected. It's thateasy."

Here it is in action....... this is soo cool..... I want one!!!!!
Welcome!:DI have two medium sizedbunnies and i had to get my hutch from a breeder as it is very hard toget big ones. You could always make one or convert a shed into theirhome or something? I'm not sure about the fox thing. You could alwaysbuild a run around their hutch so they could just go out plus it stopsthe fox getting to their hutch. You could always try building a fencebut i think foxes can jump fences. Make sure that when you buy a hutchit doesn't have those things that you slide to keep the doors closed asfoxes can bat them open, try a bolt or something. Enjoy the forum!:)
Thankyou for your lovely warm welcomes:Dand for your condolences about Karrots, I know many of youwill understand how I feel at losing him :(

The "Scarecrow" looks great, I wonder if I could get a hold ofone. I'll have to do a search on the net about them:) Thankyou Bunnys Rule for the info on the hutch size to, ashed might not be a bad idea and is worth looking into. Itwould probably work out cheaper than a lot of the bigger hutches thatyou see for sale to.
I am also new on the forums, not really, ichanged my account thing name to rosieroo jones, i wanted to say hi toeveryone, some people i know on theforum already, but to tosewho don't know me, "HI Y"ALL!!"

-Rosieroo Jones
RosieRoo Jones wrote:
I am also new on the forums, not really, i changed myaccount thing name to rosieroo jones, i wanted to say hi to everyone,some people i know on theforum already, but to tose who don'tknow me, "HI Y"ALL!!"

-Rosieroo Jones
Soooooooooooo You were Who again ?
I had kept outside bunnies in the cold wisconsinof USA when I was a kid. They were inside a shed.You should make sure they have nest boxes stuffed with straw or hay ina wind blocked place for cold weather.
The foxes will try to dig and push under the edge of a bunnycage. Make sure the cage has a bottom firmly attached to itto stop this. They also can jump over four times their heightand predator birds may be in your area. A top to your cage isneeded to protect all day long outside bunnies (a solid section isneeded to protect buns from rain). If you make your own cage,make sure you attach the cage to the frame with more then staples (Ihad a buddy in 4-H who lost some of his bunnies because they pushed onthe chicken wire so much they popped the staples out of the wood).

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