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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Canton, Michigan, USA
Hi All! Okay so I already posted on the other thing because I was so anxious to get more info!! So let's start over...

My name is Jules, and my bunny, a Holland Lop, is Pete. I'vehad him for only about a month, he's 6 months old. I have anapartment in Canton, MI. I live by myself, aside from mybun. He's already found a place in my heart, he's such asweet little guy, loving to cuddle and be scratched behind the ears.

I have a one bedroom, and half of it is Pete's. Imadea 3 story condo for him (carpeted and all for his littlefeeties) out of those wire cubes they sell at Target.

Pete gets the run of the house when I'm at home, and he stays in hiscage while I'm working. At least untill he's a little older andfixed. Once he gains my trust, which he is working on doingvery quickly, he will be able to hang out in my whole apartment (all700 sq feet, haha) even while I'm gone. He's very good onbehavior so far, already litter trained, and when I snap my fingersinside the cage and say "Bedtime" he hops in his cage. What a good bun!?

Well that's enough about us for right now! I look forward to hearingabout everyone else's rabbits, and sharing lots of good tips andstories!!! :)
Hey welcome!!! Pete sounds like afantastic little guy, can't wait to see some pictures! I have a hollandas well - aren't they the sweetest?!

Welcome to RO :wave:

I look forward to pictures! Sounds like you are a very dedicated bunny slave giving up half of your room!:biggrin:

Hope you enjoy the forum!:happydance

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16
I love it! I have gotten SO much good advice onthis site! Plus, I read all the threads so I'm learning on myown. It's really great too because there are so many membersthat are 100% selfless in terms of animals. It's really inspiring! :)
Hi what did you make his cage out of? I want tomake my Keslers cage a little bigger and I saw how you made Petes. Iwanna try it too! Just give me some suggestions.thanks!

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