Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I decided to properly introduce myself after posting on here regarding my rabbit Truffle, who unfortunately passed away on Monday morning.
I live in Derby in the UK and share my life with my fiancee Nick, his parents Val and Dave, 3 persian cats - Max a 2 year old grey smoke, Pepsi who is black/choclate colour and is also 2 and pan who is a rescue cat he is a himalayan and is roughly 7-8 years old and finally our 5 gorgeous buns- Eclipse, she is Truffle's daughter, she is a cross between a Dutch and a Netherland dwarf and varies in colour from black/brown and grey and is 9 years old, she is quite independent and is not the people bunny, Leo who is a lionhead lop cross, he is grey in colour and is 4 years old, he loves to play with his rattle toys and always enjoys a quick game of tug of war he shares a 3 tiered hutch with his pal Blue, Blue is a 4 year old lionhead possibly angora cross (he is very fluffy) he is grey or 'blue' in colour and can be grumpy occasionally but loves Leo to bits and can be just as friendly to us. Then there is Clover she is a white/grey dwarf lop and is 3 years old, she is a erm 'crazy' rabbit and is guaranteed to make you burst out laughing with her antics (she is currently going through a phase that when you try to close the hutch door, she shoves all her weight on it and pushes it open again then, once it's open she'll hop off allowing you to close it but then coming back and repeating her actions again!) she also likes to 'help' with the cleaning of her hutch :biggrin2: she lives with her equally 'crazy' friend Fiver, he is a black, brown and grey dwarf lop, who is 2 years old and is constantly full of energy (he does spectacular binkys in the run!)together they get up to lots of mischief!
Then there was Truffle, she was a black Dutch and was 10 years old, she lived with Eclipse and was her mum. She again wasn't a people rabbit but seemed to prefer men handling her. Though, as she got older I got a bit closer to her and she would let me stroke her more, she was the second rabbit I ever owned and I remember when I brought her when I was 12 and how she nearly jumped out of a box that was at least waist height as a baby!! She gave me the joy of experiencing my own litter, as we bred her with my first rabbit Smokey, a grey netherland dwarf. So I shall have plenty of lovely memories to remember her by.
Here is a lovely pic of Truffle (left) and Eclipse (right)
and here is one of Clover and Fiver
and here is Leo and Blue
and finally a funny pic of Clover and Fiver they have 2 food bowls but they don't seem to acknowledge it lol!
I decided to properly introduce myself after posting on here regarding my rabbit Truffle, who unfortunately passed away on Monday morning.
I live in Derby in the UK and share my life with my fiancee Nick, his parents Val and Dave, 3 persian cats - Max a 2 year old grey smoke, Pepsi who is black/choclate colour and is also 2 and pan who is a rescue cat he is a himalayan and is roughly 7-8 years old and finally our 5 gorgeous buns- Eclipse, she is Truffle's daughter, she is a cross between a Dutch and a Netherland dwarf and varies in colour from black/brown and grey and is 9 years old, she is quite independent and is not the people bunny, Leo who is a lionhead lop cross, he is grey in colour and is 4 years old, he loves to play with his rattle toys and always enjoys a quick game of tug of war he shares a 3 tiered hutch with his pal Blue, Blue is a 4 year old lionhead possibly angora cross (he is very fluffy) he is grey or 'blue' in colour and can be grumpy occasionally but loves Leo to bits and can be just as friendly to us. Then there is Clover she is a white/grey dwarf lop and is 3 years old, she is a erm 'crazy' rabbit and is guaranteed to make you burst out laughing with her antics (she is currently going through a phase that when you try to close the hutch door, she shoves all her weight on it and pushes it open again then, once it's open she'll hop off allowing you to close it but then coming back and repeating her actions again!) she also likes to 'help' with the cleaning of her hutch :biggrin2: she lives with her equally 'crazy' friend Fiver, he is a black, brown and grey dwarf lop, who is 2 years old and is constantly full of energy (he does spectacular binkys in the run!)together they get up to lots of mischief!
Then there was Truffle, she was a black Dutch and was 10 years old, she lived with Eclipse and was her mum. She again wasn't a people rabbit but seemed to prefer men handling her. Though, as she got older I got a bit closer to her and she would let me stroke her more, she was the second rabbit I ever owned and I remember when I brought her when I was 12 and how she nearly jumped out of a box that was at least waist height as a baby!! She gave me the joy of experiencing my own litter, as we bred her with my first rabbit Smokey, a grey netherland dwarf. So I shall have plenty of lovely memories to remember her by.
Here is a lovely pic of Truffle (left) and Eclipse (right)

and here is one of Clover and Fiver

and here is Leo and Blue

and finally a funny pic of Clover and Fiver they have 2 food bowls but they don't seem to acknowledge it lol!