Well-Known Member
Hi, my name is Beth and I've been living and loving in the world of bunnies since 2001. My buns are Carmel (a lovely 9lb mix) and Charlie (a tiny bundle of Holland Lop). I've had Carmel since she was a baby (she's almost 5 yrs old now), and her former bondmate Buddy who went to the bridge last December. Charlie is new to our family, we adopted him from the Humane Society about a week ago. He's estimated at 4 yrs old and is such a charmer. We'll be starting the bonding process in a couple of weeks to see if we have a bun love match. But if not, that is totally fine with us...we just love having both these little sweeties in our lives. So, I'm happy to be here and look forward to getting to know everyone and their buns!